
Friday, November 2, 2018

Follow The Yellow Brick Road

Last night we went to see a live performance of 

The Wizard of Oz

The show was excellent, the costumes, the music, the choreography...
the acting, singing, dancing...all broadway quality!

The theater is breathtaking!

They did not allow pictures during the show, this was the final curtain call.

We may have been the only people there without a little Dorothy.
It was so fun to see all the little girls dressed like the star.
Most had little puppies in their baskets and all had on ruby red slippers.

It was a great show in a local theater, and a wonderful evening out!


  1. How fun! I'm so glad you and Chuck had a wonderful time, Debbie!


  2. Hello, it is a great show. I am glad you had a nice evening out. Cute photo of you and the hubby! Happy Friday, enjoy your day and weekend!

  3. That did look like a great date night out. I loved the movie. I imagine I play would be fun. Of course, I love see your happy faces too.
    Blessings and hugs!

  4. Glad you had a lovely time at a wonderful show. At one time I acted in that show. Have a wonderful weekend.

  5. You keep busy, Debbie. This adventure looks like fun!

  6. What fun! (Your comment about all the little Dorothys reminds me of the time we took our then 6 year old granddaughter and her best friend to see the live Nutcracker Suite ballet at Christmas time. An older lady sitting next to us (older but not as old as I am now, LOL) asked me jokingly if she could borrow one of the girls because she thought she was the only person there without one. (I would go to either the Wizard of Oz or the Nutcracker without a child if I had the chance!)

  7. Looks a wonderful night out.
    I loved seeing all of your photographs.

    All the best Jan

  8. Live shows are always great entertainment!
