
Monday, August 13, 2018

What's Growing On?!

Are you growing a garden?

My vegetable garden is "going - growing" pretty well!
I have 3 tomato plants which are huge and finally starting to produce.

This plant was started indoors, with seeds,

this one with sliced tomatoes, planted in potting soil,

this one was also started indoors, with seeds.

My cucumber plant is also huge...

shooting through the deck and climbing up the shepards hook.

The dill plants are both out of control,

but I will need all of this to keep my caterpillars fed.
I planted some more in the white pot, in case I need back up,
the lettuce I had in there died.

This is the new Butterfly Bush I just purchased,
"Miss Molly"
it is a beautiful color and just needs to be planted!
* attention hubs *

This is Asclepius or Milk weed
this plant will seed and come back next year!!

Now I need to find a place to plant them, my gardens are so full already!!

Not much is in bloom right now...

the Vinca's the hubs planted are looking quite beautiful!!


  1. Replies
    1. hehehe, i think it is that we have great soil here and are diligent in watering and fertilizing/miracle grow. also, i must give props to my garden center, their plants are always the healthiest!!!

  2. I'll bet you have the prettiest mailbox in the hood.

    You always make me wish I had the energy to work a garden.

  3. I love the vegetable growing part of summer! Your plants are great!

  4. All looks wonderful and what are you going to do with all those tomato's....

  5. Hello, your garden and plants are growing well. I love the beautiful flowers. I will look for some milkweed next season. Enjoy your day and new week ahead!

  6. Well, I sure didn't know you can grow tomato's with slices. I might have to try that. My 'stuff' just doesn't do well in the soil here for some reason. ugh


  7. Oh, and the Vincas are so beautiful! :)

  8. It all looks so nice. I would love to grow dill. It is just too hot here. We had plenty of heat and sun in June and July, and my tomatoes are just now producing. I am loving your caterpillar stories. Hugs!

  9. They all look nice, but the dill to grow the caterpillars is the most precious! ;)

  10. Debbie, Everything still looks pretty around your place. I need to get a butterfly bush myself. I love them. I had one in town and it was really nice with butterflies coming around so much. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  11. Wow! Those garden plants are looking very impressive! I love tomatoes, too! Hope you get a bunch.

  12. I'm planning to try container gardening next year too, now that I'm in a wheelchair.

  13. Oh, your yard is lovely! I amazed at how well your patio garden is doing. I'm sad I didn't get one planted this year. I was too lazy. I will work on it next year.You are such a wonderful example.
    Blessings and hugs!

  14. Oh wow...your plants look AWESOME.....great green thumb.

  15. Wow your garden is doing wonderful, that's great you have plenty of dill. Your yard is beautifully manicured.
    Hope your week is off to a good start!

  16. Your garden sure looks good.
    Thanks for sharing all these lovely photographs.

    All the best Jan

  17. goodness - you have quite a green thumb. I'm amazed how well your pots are growing. I'd like to give this a try... next year... I hope!
