
Friday, August 31, 2018

Waiting For Fireworks...

I read on Facebook that Manasquan was having fireworks 
on Thursday night last week and we decided to go.
It was still light when we arrived at the Point Pleasant Inlet,
where we would be able to view the Manasquan fireworks.

The inlet is an exciting place for us, 
it's where we went on our first date, where we sat and talked for hours.
Tonight we watched all the fishing and party boats head out to sea...
we don't have as much to talk about since we have been married for 40 years.
Still, it was a beautiful night and we enjoyed everything about the evening 
and the anticipation of fireworks.

That's a fish on the end of his line, he caught several while we were there.

Well...long story, even longer, 
if you would like to see fireworks, or attend any fun summer event,
you'd better check Facebook or the internet yourself 
to be sure that I have given you the right date.
We waited until dark and beyond
and you guessed it, there were no fireworks.
Lucky for us though,
Point Pleasant was having fireworks that same night so we switched locations
and watched them from the car, in the parking lot.

I am no longer in charge of making the plans and I could not be happier!!


  1. You know you have been married for forty years when the fireworks are outside the car and not in it!

  2. The photos of the boats are fabulous Debbie. The last one of the trawler especially!

  3. Schöne Bilder von den Booten, schönes Licht.


  4. Oh, exciting to live where you see these beautiful boats any time you want.
    Thanks for coming by...yes, that little black and white nook is mine and it's where I do all my blogging on my laptop

  5. Oh my gosh how wonderful, I'd be right on it too! Great ships, every single one of them!

  6. You and Hubby sitting together and talking, or just being together.That is how it should be.I recall times like that and miss them so much.

  7. Oh that is such a bummer but at least you did find somewhere that was having them, and it looks like there was plenty of people and boat watching to do as you waited for the sun to go down, in all sounds like it was a great day :)

  8. Regardless of the fireworks are not; the photos of the area and beautiful boats were lovely. Love the little one holding the fish. I too have had moments with the wrong date and places a few times. I like it when my hubby plans because then it can be his mistake. I am happy you coud still see some fireworks.
    Blessings and hugs1

  9. We do so enjoy quiet evenings like this as well, sitting and watching the boats, all kinds of boats, come and go out. We love to see them and all the people aboard. 90% of the time we take a supper picnic!

  10. Hahaha

    You're no longer on charge? I doubt that will last very long!


  11. It looks like you had plenty of entertainment, even without the fireworks! I grinned at your comment about "we've been married for 40 years and don't have quite as much to talk about" - my hubby and I often spend an evening without a word to each other - sometimes I wonder about it, but you have helped remind me we are not alone.

  12. Thank you for the good and useful information and it is so beautiful and so much to see.

  13. LOL! Things happen. I love the boats...especially Tina and River Belle!

  14. Pretty projects and great idea,Thank you for the tutorial and for sharing !


  15. Thank you for the good and very helpful information. It is very interesting. I love all the things you share and see your beautiful creation. Thank you for sharing with everyone.
