
Friday, July 27, 2018


Thursday night was the last night of Summerfest...our town's final fireworks display!

We watched from across the river.

I only took a few pictures,
I have a fireworks setting on my camera but it doesn't produce very good pictures.

We went to Rita's after...

they had juicy pear so I was super happy!

I love Summer...
how about you guys, are you getting your fill of Summer fun?


  1. It’s been hot and humid but a great summer Debbie! Loving every minute here.

    1. hi marie, we have had a mixed bag of weather. some cool beautiful days and right now we have the super hot and humid. i guess you have to take the good with the bad!!!

  2. Debbie, I loved the dove pictures from your previous post. :) I like the saying on the sign at Rita' Perfect for summertime. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

    1. YeS!! right!! and it is so true...Rita's = happiness, especially if they have juicy pear!!!

  3. Hello, the fireworks are beautiful. Lovely captures. I have only been to Rita's once years ago. I must give them another try.
    Happy Friday, enjoy your day and weekend!

  4. The fireworks are awesome, Debbie. Your captures, so beautiful.

    Never had pear juice, but if you like it, I know I would. :)


  5. Not so much down here in Florida. I wouldn't mind a little relief from the heat and humidity.

    1. I live in Florida also, and the humidity about did me in yesterday working in the yard. :)

  6. Great photos! Rita's didn't appear to be very busy!

  7. I think these fireworks pictures look amazing.

  8. I like your fireworks photos; they are awesome. The treat looks yummy too. I do think you have spectacular adventures during the summer. I would like to do more. We just went to Las Vegas to visit some family and enjoyed some time there. We didn't do much more than visit; but that was sweet.
    Have a wonderful weekend and I will enjoy reading about it. blessings and hugs!

  9. so nice you can enjoy them from across the river. I have never tried pear Ice, we are actually having some nice weather right now, a little lower than normal temps so that makes me happy :)

  10. I love how YOU love Summer!!!

  11. YES!! even though it's so hot and humid--I am enjoying summertime so very much this year! I love your pretty fireworks pictures!

  12. The fireworks over the river must have been a beautiful spectacle. It sounds as if there is oodles of happiness to be found at Ritas.

  13. The fireworks look great.

    Summer here in the UK has been extra hot this year!

    All the best Jan

  14. The fireworks pix look quite spectacular to me. not sure about the treat, it is something different from anything i've ever heard of -- I would try it though!
