
Sunday, June 3, 2018

What's In Bloom...

There's always something blooming in my gardens...
but this time of year there isn't too much.

The White Azaleas are in bloom right now,
they always bloom after the pink and purple one's fade.

The Rhododendrons...

and the Sweet William seeds from last year are just starting to open up.

More of the White Azaleas...

and my Knock-Out-Roses are really gorgeous right now!

The hubs planted the Vinca's on May 21st...

he always wears a smile!

This picture was taken a few days later and they are not fairing so well...
but the grass looks awesome.
Fingers crossed for a good season!


  1. Hello, your blooms are all beautiful. I like the knock-out roses. The rain did a number on our rhododendron blooms. Pretty azaleas.
    I love the vinca, they are so pretty. Happy Sunday, enjoy your day!

  2. And your mailbox, too! I love all your blooms. The roses are spectacular - as is Chuck's smile. It always takes new plants a while to establish themselves - make themselves at home. I hope they settle in for you, they will look awesome there if they take! Happy Sunday!

  3. You have beautiful blooms! I hope the Vincas end up being looks like he put a lot of work into them.

  4. You have lots of colour compared to what we have. Only 4 degrees here today which doesn’t help.

  5. So nice of your husband. It must smell good in your garden, your flowers are wonderful. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  6. Well done hubs, I'm sure the plants will do well.
    Fabulous photographs.

    All the best Jan

  7. Oh,you have so much beauty around. The roses are particularly beautiful.

  8. Aren't husbands the best for doing all those gardening jobs! Your Azaleas are stunning as are your photos! Your drop dead rose is magic!

  9. The flowers are just gorgeous, such pretty different shades you have there and your hubby is just the sweetest planting all those flowers :)

  10. Thanks for sharing the beautiful flowers in your yard. I especially like the ones of your dear hubby planting away. Your yard is lovely and will I am sure have a fantastic season of loveliness.
    Blessings and hugs!
    Let me know if you are having any.problems with comments on my posts. The new Eurpean message has me comfused and some others have had concerns.
    Thanks dear friend!

  11. Gorgeous blooms - what a stunning display!
    I love your pretty letterbox, very inspiring... I must do something with our plain one ;D)
    Your dear hubby is lovely how he plants our like that.

  12. Everything in your gardens is just beautiful, Debbie!
    So much wonderful color, and everything looks so "springy."
