
Friday, June 22, 2018

Maple Leaf Farm

We pass this nursery all the time...
I started seeing commercials on television for I knew I had to go.

I talked the hubs into taking me to Cheesecake Factory for an early dinner.
is only a hop, skip and a jump away.
Unbeknownst to him, I knew our end destination would be here,
I just had to get inside.

I was not disappointed but they do not sell my kind of decor.
They have a lot of pretty rustic art, garden items, bird houses and feeders, 
but I have enough of those.
Still, it was fun to walk around, look around and take pictures.
There was not another living soul in the place, 
so I did not have to give anyone the stink eye to get them out of my way for pictures.

For Leanne...she knows why!

The Sweet Shop was closed...I did see a little tear in the hubs eye.

This is the only item I might have purchased but didn't.

The greenhouse was huge...

and hot, very hot, I didn't last long!

Have you ever had a store like that?
One you could not wait to get inside and it wasn't all that?


  1. Hello, I like all the beachy items. The bird houses are cute too. They do have a big greenhouse. We have a similar place near us too. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  2. Love the train the best. Great photos Debbie.

  3. My OCD went wongo with those first shots.


  4. All sounds pretty devious to me! You had to “talk your husband into taking you for early dinner” and you concealed the fact that you wanted to end up at the garden centre? I have to agree with Mac’s comment does look overcrowded, verging on clutter. But the plant section looks great.

    1. yes, you called me out, i am quite devious.....

  5. That just looks amazing to me! I've seen places like that in NC but not so much here in my part of FL. We don't have many interesting stores here for some reason. Or I haven't found them yet! lol Hugs! PS You should go back for that little girl in the dress...looks like you!

  6. That is a really big place and loved the bird houses.

  7. Sometimes it is just nice to get out and walk around stuff like that just to look. I go to antique stores and do that, matter of fact I think I am way over do for a trip. I saw a couple of things that might lean to my taste. Love the birdhouses and the colorful balls for the garden. Although at this point, unless my garden grows, and I don't mean the stuff in it, I have to stop....It all goes well together now but much more and it will be considered OVER DONE! Thanks for sharing.

  8. Yes, I have! We all have such different styles and personalities. There’s something out there for all of us. It’s just not in the same place!

  9. I would love to visit a place like that. We have one but its on the other side of town. So I don't go very much. That is a great place though.

  10. There are so many different styles and choices … which is good.
    The greenhouses did look very big.

    All the best Jan

  11. Wow! I'd love to meander around that place, and I see some things Britt would like in her house since she has been "beaching" it up. :)

    I've never been to Cheesecake Factory, but I wager it's good. LOL


  12. Looks like a great place to browse around Debbie. Cheesecake factory sounds good too ;)

  13. So many things to look at in that store and ssorry you did not buy that little girl. Have a great weekend.

  14. I see several things there I would be interested in. On the other hand, I have been in places that didn't quite live up to my initial expectations. Too bad about the sweet shop!

  15. You had me laughing, glad you didn't have to give anyone the stink eye and bummer the hubs didn't get his sweets :)
    It looks like a huge place with some fun things, I liked the bird houses. I wonder why it was so empty?
    Oh I have got very excited about going to a stamp store and then got there and they have items from 15 years ago with dust on them.

  16. This is definitely the sort of place I would like to take a good look round; I can't think of a place I've been in lately that disappointed me, and I am sorry it was a let down for you. I probably would not have been able to get out of the nursery/greenhouse without at least one plant!

  17. I don’t know I would probably have loved looking around. I liked some of the stuff. I would have really liked the VW bus because we had one just like it. Our’s was Green and white. It was fun for a while. I also liked the statue you liked. Thanks for sharing this adventure. Blessings and hugs!

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