
Sunday, May 20, 2018

Summer Fun...

It's not Summer yet...
heck, I'm not even sure if it's Spring, 
but we did have a little Summer Fun last week.
Nothing says Summer quite like a night out for fireworks and ice cream.
We go to the local minor league baseball teams field,
Blue Claws Stadium
They have fireworks after every game.
We park in an empty lot nearby and watch the fireworks from the car.
You can follow the game on-line so you can estimate the time 
the fireworks will begin.

After the beautiful fireworks, 
we went for ice cream at a newly built, newly opened local ice creamery.
The homemade ice cream was divine.

I can't remember what flavor I got but I do remember it was a fun evening...
and that the ice cream was really good.


  1. Beautiful fireworks, Debbie. You always capture the essence of beauty. :)

    That last photo reminds me of working in Doc's drugstore when I was a teenager. I always gave my friends more ice cream, and sometimes I'd see Doc squinting his eyes at me. Lordy mercy, I just thought up another blog post. LOL


  2. Hello, what a nice evening. Fireworks and ice cream, sound great to me. Beautiful capture of the fireworks. Enjoy your Sunday, the sun is finally shining today.

  3. I think your pictures are better than the actual fireworks!

  4. We're celebrating in Tampa right now. Finally. Some rain. It's been a stinking dry spring.

  5. I love seeing fireworks, your photo's are great.

    All the best Jan

  6. Sounds like a perfect summer night, no matter what season it is. (I'd skip the actual game too.)

  7. Fantastic fireworks photos! You need to teach me how to get those. I love some good ice cream!

  8. We do that for 4th of July. Organized events; too many people. We go to Honda Center, across the freeway from where the Angels play, and watch the fireworks there in a nearly empty parking lot. Free, and just as much (if not more) fun. :)

  9. oooh gorgeous fireworks and yummy icecream! The sea salt and toffee variety appeal to me :D) xx

  10. How fun!! How nice to be able to go and see that before the 4th. Your really do take nice photos of fireworks.

  11. I love fireworks!

    Just noticed Fat Chimp ice cream. I am guessing banana something like Ben n' Jerry's Chunky Monkey? I would SO get that.

  12. Fireworks and ice-cream would make almost any evening a great one.

  13. These are superby taken firework shots Debbbie. Have a great week ahead.

  14. Fireworks and ice cream; the perfect combination. I loved all the fun photos and the creamery looked like a great one to visit for the yummy stuff.
    Big hugs for this one!
