
Thursday, April 5, 2018

Hiding From The Hawk

The hawk returned the other day, I spotted him way up in the trees,
both eyes fixated on my bird feeders.
The little birds disappeared for a day or two and then returned slowly.
Their resting spots are different, 
they are aware of his presence and are keeping themselves covered and protected.
It is more difficult to photograph them but I am glad they are safe.
So far, the hawk has only succeeded in scaring them.

Here is my Yellow-Rumped Warbler, I have 2 that have been visiting all Winter.

I only see this chubby little bird during Winter months, it's Spring and they are still here.
They change clothes in the Summer, 
their browns become a darker slate gray.
I thought I saw a male yesterday in it's Summer colors but I did not get a picture.
They do have a yellow rump, easily seen when the fly off.

And here's a terrible picture of the big, bad, hawk.
He is difficult to photograph now and it will be impossible if Spring ever arrives.
This tree will be filled with leaves.
Again...that's if Spring ever arrives!


  1. Hello Debbie, I love your cute Warbler. Great captures of the cutie. Is it a Cooper's hawk? I hope he/she moves on. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

    1. i'm not sure eileen, brian looked also and said he was not sure either!!

  2. OH! I want to protect him from the hawk.

  3. Hawks and birdfeeders aren't a good match hope he moves on.

  4. Wow, wow, WOW! I am awe-struck by your photos, dear Debbie. It looks like you are right there in the tree with the sweet Warbler. I truly hope he stays safe!

    Hugs to you!

  5. Well that's a bummer, hopefully he will get bored and move on. That little warbler is just precious, love the touches of yellow, we saw our first yellow finch yesterday at the finch feeder, so fun to see new birds.

  6. I love the look of a hawk but I hate what they do. Just trying to survive I know but it’s hard to see what they do to the smaller birds.

  7. Debbie, Hawks are beautiful...but we bird lovers never want them around our sweet song birds. I would not care if they ate all the starlings here. LOL. I know that's mean. I love the little wrens so much. Wish I had one of those Warblers here. My daughter is a true bird watcher and knows so much about birds. Blessings to you, xoxo, Susie

  8. Beautiful photos of the warblers! So tiny! It's either a Cooper's or Sharp-shinned. They can be difficult to tell apart. The Cooper's hawk is the larger of the two.

    1. thanks brian, i can't tell what it is. it is pretty far away and i think those hawks look similar anyway!! i thought maybe a cooper but it doesn't look big enough!!

  9. Noooooooo.
    I was so hoping that hawk would stay away.
    These little warblers are so adorable.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Let me try this again. Spellcheck made some nasty mistakes.
    Lovely warbler photos.I realize,as I'm sure you do, that hawk is only trying to feed itself, but,I would rather they didn't do that at the feeders.

  12. Such nice, clear photos!
    In Finland, spring is late too...

  13. Hello Debbie!:) AWW, what a sweetie, and beautiful captures of the darling Yellow-Rumped Warbler. I hope the Hawk moves away soon. I have seen one here too, dangerously near our feeders. I feel for all the birds though, as the heavy rainfalls and high winds mean they are having difficulty finding food.

  14. I always had mixed feelings when we'd have a hawk visit our yard (in our former, bird-feeder-owning life). Our hawk was a kestrel --small hawk, but could still be lethal to song birds. But still I love the raptors too and they have to eat.

  15. I'm sad that the Hawk is being such a pest. I hope he won't continue to distrubs your vast varity of birds. This Yellow-Rumped Warbler is a beauty. I love the colors and expeically the yellow. Blessings and hugs~

  16. That Warbler is so cute. I do hope the Hawk moves on but you know (they have to eat too). Just a part of nature even though it's not a pleasant one.
