
Saturday, February 17, 2018

Saturday Critters ~ 218 ~

When we left the house on Valentines Day, 
another of our intended stops was here,

Lake of the Lilies, a Bird Sanctuary

As soon as we pulled up I was surprised to see this Red Headed Duck, a first time for me.

Immediately upon stoping the car, he woke up...

and floated off into the water.
Red Headed Ducks are medium sized diving ducks which over winter in this area.

The American Coot
The coot is a plump, chick like bird with a rounded head and a slopping bill.

They have a tiny tail, short wings and large feet which were just out of my sight.
Often mistaken for ducks, coots have broad lobed scales on their lower legs,
and toes that fold back with each step.

There were a lot of coot and just the one red headed duck, hanging out together.

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  1. It seems to have been a pleasant of worthwhile visit.

  2. This looks like a pretty and peaceful way to spend Valentine's Day!

  3. The red headed duck’s head looks like it is velvet. Beautiful!

    I’ve never seen a coot before. Is this bird the reference for the phrase,”You old coot,” I wonder. The bird seem an unlikely flier. Thanks for posting, Debbie.

    1. i don't know about the old coot phrase - but they do fly. i read that they are an "unusual" flyer and it takes a long run/space for them to take off!!

  4. Hello Debbie, your Redhead Duck photos are gorgeous. I love the Coots too, they are cute! This sounds like my kind of place, love the birds! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  5. Great photos of the red-headed duck! I don't think I have ever seen one.
    I always enjoy seeing coots, too, very interesting birds!

  6. These are great captures- I love the red-headed ducks. I see more coot than anything else when we go to the lake looking for birds- Coots and Canadian Geese...that's about it. Have a wonderful weekend!

  7. Beautiful photos of the Coots and other birds! Gorgeous!

    Happy Weekend to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  8. wonderful shots. At least some hung around to pose.

  9. I have never seen a red headed duck either. What a pretty place to be able to go take pictures. Have a lovely day Debbie.

  10. Hi Debbie...A red headed duck is new to me too...He's beautiful..And all your photographs are so clear. It looks like you had a great Valentine's Day....I'd love to reconnect with you...It seems we have lost touch over the last year.....

  11. I am not familiar with red headed ducks, but I like your shots!

  12. Beautiful pics, love the clear, crisp pics you have captured.

  13. Great photos! They're so crisp I feel like I could reach out and touch the birds.

  14. I'd never heard of a coot or a red headed duck before. Your pictures are great!

  15. The Redhead duck is a handsome bird. Your Coot shots are great.I have a hard time getting close enough to get good shots of them.

  16. Wow, you captured some great shots of the Redhead duck. What a beautiful bird. The Coot's are lovely too. I love fhe white beak, black head and gray body of the Coots. Your photos are amazing as always.
    Blessings and hugs!

  17. We have coots, but I've never seen a Red Headed Duck. Gorgeous photos! Love the eyes!

  18. What an amazing place and just perfect for Saturday's Critters!

  19. Perfect -- beautiful ducks (and a lifer for you -- congrats!)... what a wonderful spot.
