
Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Where Have All My Birds Gone?

I filled my bird feeders on Friday Morning.
We put in a new suet and the bird bath has thawed and can provide fresh drinking water.
I generally entertain 100's of birds every day, all day long,
but I have not seen one bird since the hawk showed up.

In one way, I am happy that they saw him too...
that they have taken cover and are out of harms way - but I miss them.
Outside of knitting, photographing the birds is my second great love.
I am worried about where they have gone and if they are finding food.

I was scanning through my pictures this morning
and thought about how blessed I am to have this hobby...
of birdwatching and amateur photography.

These are pictures of a Northern Flicker, I took on Thursday.
He stayed in a tree far from the house and would not come to the feeders.

I can't tell you how sad I am at this very moment!
Darn Hawk!


  1. Hello, nice sighting of the Flicker. I usually see them pecking at the grass in our yard. I hope the hawk moves on and your song birds can be at peace again. Enjoy your day and week ahead.

  2. I'm sad for you! They'll be back though, they know you love them.


  3. Better then a lot of dead small birds. You Hawk will move on to find other food and you birds will return

  4. Oh no! I knew that hawk was a scary looking bird. I hope he moves on soon so that your little songbirds can return!

  5. Sigh...what chases hawks away? Maybe lack of birds.

  6. I imagine the hawk will give up evetually and the birds will return. I hope!

  7. Hello Debbie!
    Your photos and birds are beautiful.
    I am delighted with them.
    Greetings from Poland.

  8. Interesting question, but I just know they'll be back very soon!

  9. They'll come back as soon as they know the hawk is gone! Thank you for sharing your hobby (and talent) with us always!!

  10. Hawks or owls love to snack on my doves. Most of the others are a little smarter. They have lots of limbs to fly into otherwise. So I get plenty of visitors still.

  11. Yeah, they have that affect on the birds. Are you able to get photos of the hawk?

  12. I am sorry, Debbie, but you know, if there's a hawk around, it is best for them to stay away.
    The hawk will move on, and your beautiful feathered friends will return.
    Trust me, no one feeds them as well as you do, and they know that!! :-)

  13. You may have hit on the problem I have with my feeders. I fill them up, but no birds come. All I have are Meadowlarks eating the grain that falls on the ground, which I think is caused by deer trying to eat the contents. But, we have lots of hawks around here.

  14. At least they're smart enough to stay away from the hawk. If they are gone, the hawk will be soon too.

  15. Yes, the hawk has been here too. They get so brave in the winter. I hope your birds come back soon.

  16. You could go out and bang a tin pan with a spoon and scare Mr. Hawk away?
    Or, does your hubs own a pellet gun?

  17. oh no!!!! When you showed the hawk I just never thought that THIS WOULD happen.Anyway......he will move on soon and your birds will come home to you!! You KNOW they are not going to stay away, because you put out such good things for them. In the meantime....they were smart enough to get somewhere safe. Easier said than done, but try to be patient. I hope they are back soon because I love coming here each day and seeing the beautiful pictures you post of the birds. (many the best I've ever seen!!). Because of you, I have a new hobby, feeding the birds and I'm enjoying it so much and love seeing them. I went out and got new feeders and several different varieties of seeds and they've NOT BEEN coming nearly as much. I dont know why?? I am wondering if they will have to "learn" to use the feeders as previously I just threw seeds down for them in old planters and on windowsills etc and I had tons of birds coming. Not sure, but I'm trying to be "patient" and hope they catch on.

  18. There is nothing 'amateur' about your photography. And the birds will come back. The hawk that comes to our neighborhood seldom stays more than a week.

  19. The birds are smarter than we give them credit for! Lovely photos - I'm sure they will be back soon! x K

  20. Is your feeder in the open? Sometimes I put seed right in the trees for the shy birds.

  21. Hello Debbie!:) Nice capture of the Flicker!:) I never thought that the Hawk would stay in the vicinity this long. It's disappointing that "YOUR" birds are in hiding, but it won't be for ever Debbie, they will return.

  22. I am surprised at their intelligence (instinct) in vacating the place so completely. But I imagine the hawk will find other sites and the birds will return. Hopefully for your sake, sooner than later. And you shall soon enjoy your hobby once again.

  23. ... I'm sure they will be back soon!

    All the best Jan

  24. I would be upset by the Hawk too. I love how you take photos of such a variety of birds; I hope they come back. You are far beyond an amateur photographer. You are the best.
