
Saturday, January 20, 2018

Saturday Critters ~ 214 ~

He's been hanging around the yard...
a part of me is excited to see him, the other part of me worries about my little birds.

The Red Shouldered Hawk


  1. He's a magnificent hunter! Great photos!

  2. great shots Debbie. Hope your weekend is going well.

  3. He is a gorgeous bird but I understand your worry, Debbie.

  4. He is beautiful! But...I would worry about the other birds too.

  5. Hello, I feel the same way when I see the hawks in my yard. I feel sorry for the little birds but excited to see the Hawk. Great photos, I like the over the shoulder look. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  6. That's a beauty! Love the feathers! Hawks gotta eat, too. ;-)

  7. He's gorgeous, hopefully he'll leave the other birds alone.

  8. She just didn't want to come down and pose, did she.

  9. Awesome and very creative hawk among the branches photos!

    Happy Weekend to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  10. This is a beautiful bird, but I prefer not to hunt for small birds. Regards.

  11. What a beauty! Great photos! I had to stop feeding the birds....too many predators :( Hope you are warming up there. x Karen

  12. What a beautiful hawk, and what wonderful photos of it! Hopefully the little birds at your feeders will be safe from him.

  13. What a great picture Debbie! Thank you.

    1. thanks gloria!! he is beautiful but unfortunately, my little birds must have seen him too. i have not seen one bird at my feeders since friday. the feeders are full, the bird bath has fresh water and not one bird, it is very upsetting!!

  14. Great photos!
    I worry about the smaller birds whenever I see a Hawk, too, but once I saw a Mockingbird chase a Hawk away!

  15. Very nice your blog and article. I like this blog thank for sharing.


  16. Yes, he's lovely, but as the saying goes, "Not in my back yard".
    He would get my Mourning Doves or my smaller birds and I will not have that!

  17. I understand your mixed feelings about this visitor. As pretty as he is, those little birds had better be on high alert.

  18. What a gorgeous red-shouldered hawk! Great photos!

  19. A little dangerous for the smaller birds, but exciting to see.

  20. I've never seen a hawk in this yard. Is it because I live in FL?

    Great photos, Debbie.

  21. Hello Debbie,:) Great shots of this beautiful raptor! What an exciting find in your garden. The little birds will miss a few meals at your feeders, but they will be safe in their hiding places.

  22. He's beautiful! I love watching hawks, but completely understand your worry for your little song birds. He's one scary looking dude!

  23. Precioso!! Buen detalle de sus plumas.

  24. Yes -- I always have mixed feelings about the birds of prey -- and especially back when we used to feed birds in our yard (in our former life in Oregon) ... we used to have a kestrel hawk that loved hanging out near our bird feeders.

  25. We had one come around here every now and then and I too get a little nervous but our little birds seem to know it and they fly away and hide. It's amazing to see them take off and land though

  26. Yes they scare me too. Not just birds though. I believe my last two groundskeeper cats were subject to one of these critters. My small dog Dash is always on his leash with me because one of these or an owl or fox or a few other critters that wander about here, could scoop my little 7 pound pup up. Misty our lab I have taught her the word "Bad guys" and she knows to beware!

  27. A fine looking bird indeed!

    All the best Jan

  28. Awesome shots on this one! I don't think I have ever heard of a red shouldered Hawk. Hawks can be scary. We had some in Spokane and I used to worry about our little dog.
    Warm thoughts and hugs!

  29. What a beautiful hawk. It is a bummer that the other birds have disappeared though.
