
Friday, December 8, 2017

Gaylord National - ICE

I have a few exciting pictures left from our trip to 
the Washington, D.C. area 

Inside the resort, this was the view from our room.

It's like a small town, with shops, restaurants, a bar, and activities for the kids.

After enjoying the ICE Display,
there are lot's of "after ICE" activities to enjoy.

Some much needed hot cocoa.

A large room devoted to decorating Gingerbread houses.
You needed a reservation or I would have been all over that!

Ice Skating

A Train

A pretty Merry-Go-Round

The area was decorated beautifully, perfect for taking pictures!

We had just finished up the ICE display, so I was still bundled up!

Each night the hotel had a Tree Lighting show.
Music, lights, dancing water fountains (you can see them in the center of the picture)...
The show ended with an artificial snow fall.

This trip is one of my favorites that we take each year.


  1. Fantastic, Debbie! How I'd love to bring my kids there for a holiday treat! Glad you had so much fun!

  2. Amazing! What a great view of everything.

  3. Quite the spot, Debbie. A community in itself!

  4. I stayed at a convention hotel that had a themed atrium like that. It was really cool.

  5. That looks like a very cool place to take the grandchildren- heck, I would love it too!

  6. So gorgeous! I'd love to see that in person, but you take the most wonderful photos to share. Thank you, Debbie!


  7. Looks like lots of Christmas fun! We have lots of SNOW here!

  8. That is both impressive and beautiful! Love the view from your room!

  9. I can see why this is one of your favorite places. The photos tell the story. You two are so cute when posing for your photos. Your smiles are awesome. The view from our room must have been spectacular.
    Blessings and hugs!
