
Friday, November 3, 2017

The Monarchs!!

Last week, while in Cape May,
we saw a lot of Monarch Butterflies that had yet to begin their journey to Mexico.
The Monarch Butterfly is the only butterfly known to have 
a two way migration pattern like birds do.
Unlike other butterflies, that can over winter as larvae, pupae, or even as adults, 
Monarchs cannot survive cold climates.
Monarch Butterflies spend their winter hibernation in Mexico or Southern California,
where it is warm all year long.

If you would like to peek at their migration map for this year, you can view that here.
Triangle Park, in Cape May is a favorite of ours and we stop each time we visit Cape May.
It's a tiny butterfly garden maintained by the people who live in the area.
Here are some of the many images I captured last Friday while we were there.

Two of the signs, posted at the park.

October 27, 2017


  1. Butterflies are so delicate, yet mysterious and pretty! I love your pictures of them, some really great ones here! the sunsets and the rainbow on the previous post are pretty too. Truly God has blessed us with so MANY beautiful things to look at and to enjoy and marvel at.

  2. You’re kidding- butterflies migrate? That’s awesome! Beautiful photos- this looks like a fun place!

  3. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

    you know I love flutterbys

  4. Just beautiful! Great light and colors!

  5. Gorgeous butterflies, Debbie! I had no idea about the migration. Thanks for sharing! :)


  6. Wonderful for a place, to embrace a beautiful creature, like the Monarch. Yes, it is for their benefit too. People come there. But still, it is nice.

    Gorgeous photos, as always.

    Happy cozy November,
    Luna Crone

  7. Debbie, you always capture the best butterfly photos! They know your kindness!

  8. Beautiful images. I love seeing the Monarchs,but it seems they are declining in my area.

  9. How pretty Debbie, that means we will start seeing them soon.

  10. Just beautiful Debbie ...
    Enjoy the rest of today and have a happy weekend.

    All the best Jan

  11. Your photos of butterflies are always so wonderful Debbie. You wouldn't think butterflies would live long enough to migrate!
    Have an amazing weekend :)

  12. I agree with everyone else Debbie. You show these beautiful butterflies to perfection.

  13. Such gorgeous shoots, You do a beautiful job capturing butterflies, love the Monarch crossing sign, how fun!

  14. I always enjoy your magnificent butterfly photos. These Monarch butterflies are so beautiful. I love learning more about them. I am amazed at some of the things I have been learning about them from you. Thanks! Loving thoughts for you today!
