
Sunday, October 1, 2017

Welcome October...

I woke up this morning and flipped the calendar to display October.
Three days are marked Rhinebeck Sheep and Wool Festival... 
that caught my eye, 
it's this month, and I could not be more excited!
I'm going with friend's - a girl's trip - it will be a first for me.

I went outside to water my mum and picked a nice big cucumber 
and 2 perfectly beautiful tomatoes from the garden.
That's like an oxymoron, mums and veggies in the garden at the same time.

The sunset's have been especially beautiful lately 
but there was something about this "muted" sunset that I really loved.

I have lots to talk about, next week will be fun!


  1. Ohhhhh that sunset!!!!!!!!!!!

    "Hark, the wind is rising...."
    Luna Crone

  2. Enjoy the festival. I am of course extension jealous. I used to live up that m way for college, long ago. Xoxo Andrea @ This Knitted Life

  3. Hello, The tomatoes look delicious. Your sunset is gorgeous, lovely colors. I am sure you will enjoy the festival, fun times for all the girls going. Happy October, enjoy your day and new week!

  4. wow...I didn't is October. Funny, doesn't feel it. I just soaked through my shirt walking the pups.

  5. First, love this photo! Wow, this is your first girl's trip?! You'll love it, it's a time just for us girls, and it looks like you'll be doing some incredibly fun stuff too!

  6. The sunset is beautiful! It looks bronze...or rusty!

  7. Happy October! I picked veggies from the garden this morning too, Debbie.

  8. Whoa - gorgeous sunset, Debbie.

    You're going to have so much fun on the girl's trip.

    I can hardly believe it's October already!


  9. The veggies look tasty and that sunset is gorgeous.

  10. Beaut cuke and tomatoes - oh that home-grown tomatoey taste, yum!
    Gorgeous sunset photograph - it's very special and awe inspiring.
    Enjoy your girls days out Debbie - I've a feeling there'll be lots of fun :D) xx

  11. Debbie, have an amazing time at the Sheep and Wool Festival!
    And please take us along with you (take lots of pictures!!) :-)
    Have a wonderful week, my friend.

  12. Lovely photographs.
    Enjoy October.

    All the best Jan

  13. Gorgeous sunset! Oh, how fun, a girls' trip away. You will have the best time.

  14. Your sunset is pure gold!! people around here are still harvesting tomatoes and corn ... still summer sort of. But when we go out we need both sunglasses and raicoat. That's an oxymoron for sure.

  15. Enjoy your girl trip! Can't wait to see pictures!

  16. The sunset is gorgeous! Your garden is producing some great stuff!

  17. I can see that your garden is growing delicious veggies. I am excited to hear about your trip. I'm sure you will take a boatload of photos to share.
    I loved your sunset and of course for more than one reason. You are amazing!
    Warm thoughts and hugs for you!
