
Saturday, October 7, 2017

Saturday Critters ~ 199 ~

I always think of cows as black and white, 
- I'm not sure why -
There are a couple of cute children's books 
I have read to my great nieces about brown cows.

I was fascinated with this beautiful baby brown cow at one of the farms we visited in August,
while searching for the perfect sunflower field.

Enjoying a carrot!

Sharing today's images with


  1. Hello, Debbie. what a cute crown cow. The cows have the prettiest eyes, love the closeups. Great collection of photos. Thank you so much for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your day and weekend!

  2. They do have lovely eyes...........

    Quite sweet looking, is this lady... :-)

  3. So cute and fun to see it eating a carrot! They are sweet cows!

  4. It looks like the cow is covered in velvet. Such a pretty creature!

  5. Oh gosh, those cow eyes - they always get me :D)

  6. I could gaze at sweet, baby cows all day long if I could. They are everywhere around these parts at the moment; 'tis so lovely. Your photos are so beautiful, capturing this itty bitty baby's sweet expressions.

  7. I bet they taste good to calfs

  8. Cows have the sweetest eyes. Hugs!

  9. My Dad and one of my Uncles had a cattle ranch. I have always liked cows. Especially love the baby calves. You got some great pictures of this brown cows/ We once lived in Richmond, Utah and they had Bladk and White days. Hundreds of people came to town to buy through an auction cows. The could go for thousands of dollars if they had a good breeding line. It was a fun time with lots of old fashioned games and etc. The town put on a Melodrama every year too. . I was in it and had a great time.
    Blessings and hugs!
    Loved the photos!

  10. Up close and personal, LOVE these, Debbie. :)


  11. Awwww, she is just precious, Debbie.

  12. Sooo gorgeous! It looks like a Jersey cow.
    Have a fantastic week :)
