
Thursday, October 5, 2017

Chili When it's Chilly

When the weather turns cold, there is nothing better than a great big bowl of Chili.
Everyone has a Chili recipe, and I think everyone thinks there's is the best.
That's how I feel about mine.

The ingredients...
The peppers are from my garden and I always use good ground chuck.

I love my big cast iron pot, 
I use it when I make so many of my great comfort meals.
It's colored and seasoned, 
every time I cook with it I remember many delicious meals I have made for my family.

Heat olive oil and soften diced onions and peppers...

I add my chop meat and brown it in this way.

Once combined...

it's a dump after that.
Combine the rest of the ingredients and I like to cook it on low for at lest an hour.

I've had this recipe for a really long time. 
We top our Chili with cheese or sour cream or both and lots of oyster crackers.

Because there is only 2 of us, we eat half and I freeze the rest.


  1. Hello, Debbie. I love chili. Your looks delicious, thanks for sharing the recipe. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day.

  2. It looks so good Debbie. Thank you for the recipe. I love your neat handwriting.

  3. I have a 3 bean chili that I actually got from Dr Phil many years ago. It's a low fat type and good food for a diet. But that's about it.

  4. Your recipe looks great, Debbie. We always have lots leftover too, great for those busy days when we don't have time to cook.

  5. Don't you love the recipes, which make more than one meal???????

    You are doing beautiful staging of a recipe again. You make it look so pretty and un-messy. -grin-

    Same here... Use only 'Happy Beef.' Meaning, grass fed cattle. Not from cattle raised in their own waste... At Beef Farms.... And needing to be given antibiotics, to counter act their living conditions.

    If anyone doesn't believe this, watch Food, Inc.

    Luna Crone

  6. MMMMM that sounds so good, my hubby hates kidney beans so I have never made it the 34 years we have been married :(

  7. I love chilli and yours looks super delicious! I always think it tastes better the following day.
    Have a wonderful weekend :)

  8. This is a perfect autumn meal, and yours looks so yummy, Debbie!
    I make cornbread and crumble it on top of mine. Mmmmmm.

  9. Wow, thanks for sharing the recipe and tutorial. I loved the photos. I didn't even know that you could freeze chili. I don't know why I didn't know it.
    I will for sure try your delicious looking recipe. Blessings and hugs!

  10. Back again as I wanted you to know that I have just fixed a batch of your chili and we both loved it. Thank you so much! Is it okay if I use your recipe to put on my Monday Recipe Post, with a link back to you?

  11. I typically start making chili when the weather cools, but I'm still waiting for it to get cool. LOL! I don't follow a recipe, but just put whatever ingredients I want to use in the crock pot and slow cook it. I'll have to try this one. It looks fantastic!

  12. Looks so good, Debbie. We had a couple of cooler days, but now the HOT is back, and our air conditioner part hasn't come in yet. Yes, I'm WHINING, LOL.

