
Saturday, September 16, 2017

Saturday Critters ~ 196 ~

Standing at the open "bird" window, 
this beautiful Female Cardinal landed right in front of my ready and waiting lens.
She is often the first bird I see in the morning and the last bird I see at night.
I don't have to see her to know she is visiting, 
I can hear her distinctive "chip" as she feeds at the feeders.

I see Cardinals year round, 
the males are skittish and difficult to photograph, not the girls.
I have 2 females that will sit in the window feeders and look right at me, and not fly off.
I wish she had raised her crest for these pictures, I told her to but she didn't hear me!

Sharing today's images with


  1. Cardinals are always a favorite, yours are very brave. Great photos as always Debbie :)

  2. She's a beauty with her gorgeously coloured beak and the hint of colour on her breast! Great photos.

  3. How sweet to get regular and unhurried visits like this.

  4. I have had quite a few visit the feeder lately. Isn't she a beauty?
    I also have a resident Blue Jay that is screaming his head off. LOL
    I just recently prepared and filled up the squirrel feeder, so they can stock up their stashes for winter and I think Mr. Jay is happy because of that. He does love the peanuts.

  5. Gorgeous! The females have such beautiful muted colors.

  6. She is lovely! Too many focus on the gawdy males!!! :-)

  7. Oh wow Beautiful shots, I know what you mean about the chirping, it is so distinctive from any other birds when I hear it I tell Greg oh the cardinals are here without even looking :) Bummer she didn't listen to you :)

  8. You have made a wonderful little friend Debbie. She is gorgeous. Hope you are enjoying your weekend :)

  9. I changed my Header, Debbie!!!!!


    Luna Crone

  10. I was just hearing the distinctive "CHIP," out our den windows! The pool/fence is there. 'Evil' Japanese Beetles feast on the grape leaves, on the grape vines, on the fence. And!!! Happily!!! Cardinals love to feast on the Japanese Beetles!!!

    Oh what marvelous photos!!!!!!!! Simply marvelous!!! Had to show him, of course!

    I found that the Cardinals would feed, later than all the other birds. It would be nearly dark, and they would come around. This was back when we could have a feeder. :-) So I see what you say, about them being first in morning and last at night.

    Again, I am amazed at your photos!!!!!!! Happy sigh....

    P.S. I changed my Header. -gigggggles- Inside Joke, hu? :-)))))

    Luna Crone

  11. She's a beauty, that's for sure. :)


  12. Proud and beautiful! Enjoy your weekend! I know you two will!

  13. Hello, Debbie! Your female Cardinals are lovely. Beautiful captures! I talk to my birds too! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  14. So special and what a lovely visitor! Your photos do her justice as I can see her pretty colouring and great orange beak!
    Happy Saturday!

  15. You are so lucky to have cardinals all year round! I still get such a thrill when I see them . They don't hang out in the Pacific Northwest at all, but my mom was from Kentucky and whenever we'd get a Christmas card with a cardinal on it she would kind of get all teary. I don't remember her being sad very often about missing her "Old Kentucky Home" but she must have missed those birds!

  16. She looks a little out of sorts.Great pictures, and I would be thrilled to see just one Cardinal.

  17. Just lovely shots Debbie. I really need to put in some bird feeders. Especially since we have so many birds migrating now.

  18. Boy, you have a great set-up for bird pictures there!

  19. Always spectacular shots! She is a beauty with lovely colors. Blessings and hugs!

  20. Love these pictures, she is so pretty and that is so neat how she is not shy/skittish--maybe she ENJOYS visiting with you!! Hope you are having a real nice weekend!

  21. I always enjoy your bird photo's Debbie.
    Lovely ...

    All the best Jan
