
Monday, September 25, 2017

And So - The Real Adventure Begins...

My favorite thing to do is to go where I have never been...
and to experience that which I have never experienced before...
Canada is an amazing place to fulfill those wishes!

First up...Something we did last year in Canada,
that is the thrill of a lifetime...

- Zip Lining to the Falls -

Here we are, waiting in line...head gear on,

then getting suited up.
I did confirm that it was "not" her first day as she got me ready.
If you look closely, you can see a little bit of the view in front of the girl with the orange shirt.
No pictures, no cameras allowed!

Next up...

- The Ride of your Life -

This was a first for both of us!

We are up next and only a tad bit excited.


The Canadian Horseshoe Falls

The Province of Ontario 

The American Falls

The view from above was spectacular!
It was a smooth, comfortable ride - without the feeling of motion.

- and you get a certificate -

Would I do it again, you ask?
- you bet I would -


  1. Welcome to Canada. Y'all come back now, ya hear.

  2. My word Debbie you are definately an adrenaline junkie!!! Fantastic! Have a fun filled day :)

  3. Hello Debbie, you are living an adventurous life. The zip line is cool, I am sure that was fun. I remember my first time in a helicopter a tour around Maui, I felt sick when I got off. Your photos are beautiful, love Niagara Falls. Happy Monday, enjoy your day and new week!

  4. no cameras? sounds like they want you focused on what you're doing...

  5. Love helicopters. That ride looks spectacular! A photographers dream. You took great photos, Debbie.

  6. Oh thank you so much for sharing the pictures of the falls...amazing. Rode a helicopter in Hawaii and it was something special indeed.

  7. Both of those must have been a thrill! I am not as adventurous, I hate heights and am not thrilled about flying, I had to fly to England when my hubby got stationed over there and when my parents wanted us home for Christmas when Amanda was smaller they offered to buy plane tickets, but other than that I stay away from anything that leaves the ground, LOL!! Glad you enjoyed yourself!!

  8. How exciting! Very happy for you both. :)


  9. That is so wonderful Debbie, I would do that again too. Gosh those falls are incredible.

  10. Ah, you mastered it! Bravo. Do something everyday that scares you! Thanks for such great photos too!

  11. We had a zipline at a camp once which went over a lake. It was pretty high too and some kids didn't use the belt and opted to jump into the lake instead of landing on the other side. I got in line and put on all the stuff but as soon as I looked at it, I really got chicken so I took it off.

  12. Whoooooooahhhhhh... YOu mean you held on and went on a "line," from "here" to "there"??????????????

    Nooooooo way would I do that!!!

    The helicopter ride. Yes!!!!

    But the first, nooooooo.....



  13. I will have to use your term of "excited" instead of my tern, "sacred" from now on.
    These photos scare the heck outta me!!!

  14. The views are spectacular. I would get on that helicopter, but there is no one on earth that would get me on a zipline. No way, no how. And that's my final answer.You may have guessed by now that I'm a big chicken.Glad you enjoyed it.

  15. Holy smokes. That's some adventure. And gorgeous scenery. I would have been puking my guts out, but hey, no biggie. xoxo Andrea @ This Knitted Life

  16. I am all about a helicopter ride, but no zipline for me! lol

  17. You ARE adventurous! Spectacular pictures of the falls! It's enough to get me thinking. Glad you're enjoying Canada.

  18. OH MY GOSH!!--love these pictures! Especially the ones of the Falls--so pretty and majestic. I can't beleive y'all ZIPLINED??!!--oh my gosh that looks so scary! What was it like? The helicopter ride looks fun!! I just love reading about all your all's adventures and the fun pictures!

  19. You and your husband are a couple of high flyers, aren't you. What an amazing experience to fly in a helicopter and see all the gorgeous scenery and cities way, way below. Love these photos!

  20. Oh wow! That is all, just oh wow :))))

  21. Wow! I am impressed! YOu'd never get my hubby in a helicopter, or zip line.

  22. Magnificent photos! You two are so brave. I don't think I could ever be in a Helicopter or the zip line. However, I can see that it would be fun if I could be brave enough. You deserve a certificate for sure. I really love this topnotch adventure. Big hugs for you two!

  23. Holy cow! Talk about gorgeous views! I bet that was FUN!
