
Tuesday, July 25, 2017

The Monarch Butterflies

I went outside to water the garden a few days ago...
and much to my surprise, there were three monarch butterflies enjoying the cone flowers.

Each butterfly was gorgeous, no wear or tear and their colors were perfection.
I was equally as happy to see them selecting perfect cone flowers
to do their thing with.

Beautiful cone flowers and gorgeous butterflies, what more could a girl ask for!

It's butterfly season, are you seeing them yet?
I am on the lookout for a caterpillar, to bring in the house and raise,
like I did a few years ago.
I am looking on my dill, swallowtails love dill.


  1. Oh wow, perfection indeed. They almost look like china ornaments! Very beautiful.
    Have a wonderful Tuesday :)

  2. A delightful catch of the Monarchs.

  3. Hello Debbie, the Monarchs posed so nicely on your coneflowers. Beautiful butterflies and images. Have a happy day!

  4. Beautiful butterflies, beautiful flowers AND amazing flowers!

  5. Gorgeous! Fabulous photos! My favourite photos so far this year!

  6. Oh, well done! How delightful to see Monarchs that seem to be thriving.

  7. My word, girl... you hit the jackpot with those pictures. I haven't seen but one butterfly (except for those little yellow ones) in ever so long. I live on the 3rd floor and they don't seem to flit up this high. But, I watched one yesterday leave it's perch in the trees across the parking lot and fly across to my balcony, skim by my railing and was gone. Well, that was better than nothing. I am afraid we are going to lose our butterflies and bees if people don't stop using Roundup to kill weeds.

  8. What a nice surprise, and it really was enjoying its visit! Could it have been posing for you too?!

  9. Oh. My. Word, Debbie these are gorgeous photos of the Monarchs on your flowers!
    We have just started seeing some in our garden!

  10. Hello Debbie!:) A perfect combination, the beautiful Cone flowers and the Monarch butterfly. I saw one in May this year, but haven't seen one since. Well done in capturing these gorgeous images.

  11. LOVE! Debbie, these could win a photography contest! Have you ever looked at I have a cousin in law that submits photos there; many contests and the photos are not any more beautiful than yours! :)


  12. Oh Debbie!
    Excellent pictures, wonderful butterflies, gorgeous echinacea.
    Greetings from Poland.

  13. Beautiful shots...I love cone flowers! They make great pics and also look so beautiful in the yard.

  14. Monarchs and Coneflowers.That's a perfect combination.

  15. Oh those are just beautiful!! I love #5 best!

  16. Such utter perfection Debbie! Great photographs of a magnificent duo :D)

  17. oh, oh ... brings back so many memories of a little barefoot kid on hot Missouri summer days spending my time in awe at the beauty of these babies.

  18. Love seeing these cone flowers AND the butterfly. Have only seen a few of them, so far.

  19. Wonderful! I've seen one or two fluttering around, but none that landed and let me photograph it! Gorgeous pictures.

  20. Wow..!!
    Such a beautiful butterfly..

  21. Monarch butterflies always make me think of my grandmother. Makes me so happy to see all of these pictures!!!!!! Beautiful.

  22. The monarchs are so beautiful, Debbie, and your photographs of them are simply perfect.
