
Saturday, July 29, 2017

Saturday Critters ~ 189 ~

We were walking toward the we rounded the bend, I saw it.
Me - "get the good camera"
The hubs - says nothing and runs toward the car.
He knows the drill and knows I have spotted something good...
something special, something picture worthy.

The butterfly danced from bud to bud, but stayed on this beautiful yellow Lantana Bush.

- The wings of transformation are born of patience, struggle and strength -

May you have all three!

Sharing today's images with 


  1. Nothing short of GORGEOUS, Debbie. LOVE!!!


  2. Hello, Debbie! So glad you had the good camera handy. The swallowtail images are just stunning. I love the Lantana too. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  3. You never cease to amaze me with every photo more beautiful than the last!
    Perfect response from your dear husband! Tell him we all thank him!

  4. Aren't they just amazing?

    Love this:

    "The wings of transformation are born of patience, struggle and strength."

  5. What a great quote but the shimmer you have captured from the blue of the wings is beautiful!

  6. Oh wow!! Your photos are breathtaking, Debbie! One of 1 in a million moments with your magical camera. Perfect understanding between your husband and yourself....just as well he is fleet-footed. =) LOVE that beautiful quote!

  7. Spectacular capture, Debbie. Isn't the blue in that butterfly incredible?

  8. Ohhhhh, 'the good camera' is totally worth it, for such photos as this!!!!!!!! A-m-a-z-i-n-g!!!!

    I saw one, flitting around today, black with blue spots, on the back. Not as many spots as yours though. And I think he has bits of white too. But really, he would not lite!!!!!!!!

    And was not interested in the flowers, even. -sigh-

    Don't know whether he was very young and "flitttty." Or full, from other flowers. Or what.

    So even if I had a wonderful camera, I'd not have been able to capture him.

    But just seeeeeeeing a delightful one like him, was amazing. Just have not seen gorgeous butterflies around here, for quite a while.

    Gentle hugs,
    Luna Crone

  9. Replies
    1. No, not yet! Fingers crossed for tomorrow!!

  10. The cooperation between you and your hubby, resulted in some amazing photos.

  11. These photos are spectacular. I love the brillient yellows in it. The story of the Butterfly is one of my favorites. I know that you have all three of these qualities and they do indeed come through life experiences. Praying for you and sending loving thoughts~ Hugs!

  12. Nice pics of that Swallowtail (or so I think).

  13. Hello Debbie!
    Perfect series photo. Lovely butterfly.
    The camera looks great, looks great pictures.
    Have a nice Sunday:)

  14. Spectacular pictures! Hope you are doing well.

  15. Hello Debbie!:) These are all such beautiful captures of the Swallowtail. It's the one I see most often in our garden, and they just love the lantana. Your hydrangeas are gorgeous, their colours are stunning,.. and I am a little stunned myself, to discover you are hospitalized. Is this a routine stay, or did something happen? I missed something, and am concerned. Please let me know,...if you can. I hope you are OK.:)

  16. I didn't even notice the splash of blue on the bottom there fora second

  17. Is that not the most perfect Swallow Tail ever photographed?

  18. Gorgeous shots of the butterfly Debbie :) Always thinking of you and wishing you a great week.

  19. Debbie, I'm so pleased you are home now, and thank you for telling me about your condition. You are a special lady, and friend. :)

  20. Stunning butterfly photos Debbie. You certainly are capturing beautiful images with your new camera.
    Have a truly wonderful week ahead :)

  21. Oh my that is gorgeous, I love the touches of blue in the butterfly, good catching it and sweet that your hubby knows the drill and runs to get the camera :) I wish the same things for you also!

  22. stopped in to see how you're doing

  23. Unlike your's my hubby sometimes get irritated with my camera fondness :)

    you captured so beautifully like always as you know tho to handle the lenses artistically!!!

  24. That is gorgeous! Beautiful photos! Good eye! :-)

  25. Simply stunning photographs ...

    All the best Jan

  26. What a beauty this Swallow Tail is. Your photos are super pretty.
