Do you play?
Do you call it Mini Golf or Putt Putt?
Do you call it Mini Golf or Putt Putt?
Is there anyone who does not play Putt Putt?
Yes, we call it Putt Putt and we play every chance we get!
We keep score and we are quite competitive, well at least I am!
We were down in Point Pleasant for a sausage sandwich on the boardwalk,
and we decided to have a friendly game of golf - of the miniature variety.
This Course was named Castaway Cove and had.....
you guessed it, a pirate theme.

This Course was named Castaway Cove and had.....
you guessed it, a pirate theme.

Someone takes this a lil too serious...

my ball was purple, of course.

Are you wondering who won??
Wonder no longer...

I won, by 1 point, only because I made the hubs take his 7 on hole 5.
I mean he did get a 7, but had I been kinder...
but now that I look at this score card, I'm not sure I got that many 2's.
Perhaps he tilted things...just a tad!!
Nonetheless, we had a ball!!
I like the course in Seaside better, one week day we will have to go there.
I wouldn't dare try to go there, or play on a weekend
can anyone say, out of towners?? you play?? Do you call it Mini Golf or Putt Putt?
Mini Putt keeps us young... right!
That's quite the mini putt course.
(See what I did there?)
Hello, we used to play putt-putt too. It has been a while since we last played. Cute photos of you, the hubby and pirates. Happy Monday, enjoy your day and the new week ahead! Wishing you and yours a happy 4th of July!
It's mini golf to us. When we have the grandkids next weekend, we will take them.
That is quite the course, Debbie! They aren't that elaborate here.
Such a pretty place to have fun...
It's putt-putt from me! What a fun course! There used to be several courses around here with themes, but now they're all gone. I don't even know of one that's close!
any endeavor exercised with a spherical body must be taken with somber dignity
Guess they call it Mini Golf around here. :-) But I don't play. I know. I am such a "Stick-in-the-Mud"!!! LOL
Wishing you a Very Happy 4th of July!!!
Luna Crone
I haven't played in years. It's been called Putt Putt as long as I remember, but I think the signs ID it as miniature golf now. Looks like you were having fun!
I used to say putt-putt but now I usually say minigolf. We used to have a chain called Mr. Putt Putt when I was little
We don't. Hubby's back is bad! You two are a hoot!
Haha - yes, I play mini golf - not well, of course. I always get stuck at some sort of windmill like thingamawhatsis... I love the Pirate theme - so cute! I don't remember seeing any windmills...
We call it Putt-Putt and we keep score! It gets competitive! lol
that is the only golf i do play ... i have not played in a long while. i love your purple flip flops. so cute!! you are too fun!! happy 4th! ( ;
Where did you get a purple golf ball?!?!
Win or loses long as you are having fun together, that's what matters.
I love PUTT PUTT golf. In the late 70's when I was dating strong we did a lot of date nights playing PUTT PUTT. I have not played since last yr around this time when my grandson, son, daughter in law and I played glow in the dark Putt putt.....that was wild. Looks like you had a great time.
congrats for wining my friend!
what powerful camera you have .
fabulous photos .
loved the cute tiny water fall
we call it Crazy Golf. You certainly had a fun day out debbie. Happy 4th July
A very funny post, Debbie. Thank you for sharing your fun.
It's years since I have played mini golf and your day looked like so much fun!!
Have a great day :)
Hello Debby!:) Happy 4th of July!:) Fantastic photos of you both!:) all of them are good, especially the indoor ones which look really authentic. I seem to remember you have posted this mini golf place before,...I remember the pirate theme, which I think is so much fun. Your purple ball made me smile!! I haven't played for years. We used to play with our grandchildren but that was yonks ago.
Mini golf here-- yes we play-- its fun! Have yall been to myrtle beach?--- i think its the mini golf capital if the world!?-- the courses are huge and some hundred feet tall--- dragons that shoot fireballs and big boats and huge colored waterfalls etc--- weve still mot played all the courses there--- so many!lots of fun
Lots of climbing too to get to the top of some of them!! Lol-- but still fun-- especially at nite when they turn all the special colored lighting on
We like the big volcano one and the dinosuar ones-- there must be about 100 courses--- seriously!
We call in Miniture Golf and we do love to play. We have a course that is near by. We haven't been for a while but I am now inspired. I loved your photos and especially the ones with you all in them. Congrats on the win! I always lose and not by one point. Sending congrats your way and hugs too!
Yes we call it Putt Putt too, that looks like a pretty cool course, lots to check out along the way :) and that is the neatest score sheet I have seen, Yeah as long as it is fun, I really don't care who wins :) Hubby is pretty competitive, so sometimes he makes me that way too. I heard on the news that the parks in New Jersey are being closed or something like that, hope that doesn't affect your bucket list of things to do this summer
Its both names over here and we haven't played it since the children were little! I think I'll have to do something about that, it looks like a nice way to spend some time. Love the close scores ;D) Beaut photos too!
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