
Monday, July 17, 2017

Belmar's Sand Castle Contest

Belmar, is another nice seaside community in New Jersey
that is about 15 minutes from our home.

D'Jais, an area "hot spot bar" sponsors, 

a Sandcastle Contest.

On the beach, Wednesday, July 12th, I wish I could tell you this was an amazing day.
But the temperatures were hot, really hot - and there were so many people on the beach,
it was hard to get around.
Of course, I did enjoy the sand art, 
but I would have enjoyed this so much more if it had not been so hot.
We didn't stay long - enjoy the images, some of these were really creative.

This was a wonderful event, but can you see how crowded the beaches are?
People were shoulder to shoulder.
Next year we are going to go later in the day 
and hope that most of the sculptures are still there...
and not destroyed by the ocean or the people.

There were winners and prizes for all age groups!


  1. I am impressed by the result, but the heat and the crowds ...

  2. Nice sculptures- but I'm with you on waiting til the crowd thins. I guess you can't really beat the heat there, though.

  3. I admire your determination to endure the heat and the crowds, Debbie. Fun sculptures!

  4. thank you thank you and thank you for making me part of this fun event .
    really enjoyed the look .
    wonderful art and marvelous creations

  5. Hello, I know how you feel on those hot days. I feel the same way. The sand sculptures are awesome, my favorite is the hippo?
    Happy Monday, enjoy your day and new week ahead!

  6. Interesting displays!!!

    the opposite of actual sculpting, like in marble or in ice.... With sand sculpting, you can ADD. With other sculpting, you can't. Once you chip-away, it is GONE. :-))))

    But I can almost "feel" the heat! From your photos. ,-)

    Luna Crone

  7. aww, so fun. i love it. really think the minions have really taken off ... so cute and fun for folks to decorate with. i wonder if it is sort of relaxing or fun for them that is why they enjoy it. or maybe they enjoy the prizes? thanks for this fun Debbie. sure hope you are staying cool in this heat & humidity lately. ( :

  8. What a fun day! Lots of people. I think that would have been such a great day. Thanks for sharing Debbie.

  9. Those are amazing! Once again, you guys? Ya'll find the best places to visit, although I can only imagine the heat.

    There's a program on the food channel, you 've probably seen it but I just did, that make cakes that look like animals. Hunter and I were mesmerized! I think it's called 'Texas Tea' or something like that.

    It's hot here too, and I'm not going back out unless I have to. :0


  10. I love the sand sculptures, such imagination! I wonder who won.
    Have a wonderful week :)

  11. Now that is too cool. My son lives in San Diego and they do this one those beaches also. Talented folks.

  12. Wow! Those are awesome! I'm lucky if I can build a sand castle with a plastic bucket! LOL

  13. I did enjoy the photos of the sand castles. They are some creative ones for sure. I really can't imagine that that sand could stay together to make some of these designs. I'm sorry it was so hot. I melt easily these day and ccan't take the heat for long. I imagine the humidity there is bad too. As you know I do love your adventures. Blessings and hugs!

  14. The work of the sculptors is incredible. I couldn't do any of this! Like you, I wouldn't be able to tolerate the crowds.

  15. Not sure how well I would handle the heat, bright sun, crowds, and sand itself. Guess I'm not really a beach person.

  16. I'm always amazed by what people can do with some wet sand! The donut with the Dunkies cup next to it made me laugh!

  17. I'm always amazed at the artistic talent displayed in the sand sculptures.

    1. these were all amazing, even those done by the "little kids"!! i wish i could have taken pictures of all of them but i about melted trying to see what i saw. the hubs took most of the pictures as i slithered from display to display. as a teenager i lived at the beach - one towel and a bottle of baby oil, that was all you needed!!! WoW!!! times have changed!!!!

  18. Fun fun fun!! Love looking at these pictures and YES YOU CAN FEEL HOW HOT IT IS!! ha ha LOL I love to see the amazing sand sculptures.....and I always wonder why they don't have these events in THE FALL when it is cooler? I do like to see the intricate work...I just love the mermaid one as she peacefully slumbers!! Which was your favorite??

  19. How fun, it just amazing to me what people can do with sand and ice when sculpting, it is hard to enjoy the events when it is just too hot out isn't it, I noticed one guy was smart and put up a little shade to create under.
    Thanks for sharing :)

  20. Yup, too crowded for me, but oh how I love those beautiful works of art.

  21. Hello Debbie, I really loved seeing all those sand sculptures - such imagination!

    1. you did so well in the heat... I was reading your reply to Patti - heh heh, yes, the baby oil and a towel was all I took too - we'd lay out on the sand and bake to a red crispness for the sake of a tan!! :D)
