I have a lot to talk about today, as my life is full of fun - marvelous things...
First up, and this may be the best...
White Corn on the Cob from Florida
We purchased this at Delicious Orchards and it may be the best corn I have ever eaten.
Sweet, crispy - extra butter, it was amazing.
We will definitely be going back for more.
Chicken Kabobs also from Delicious Orchards
The hubs prepared his secret, yet world famous potatoes and onions to go with.
The potatoes and onions are sliced and layered with...
you guessed it, butter...
cooked in foil packets on the grill, the potatoes on the bottom get crisp,
and the slices on top are creamy and buttery.
and the slices on top are creamy and buttery.
Kitchen Towels my sister Kathy bought for me...
they go perfectly with my red tea pot...
and I think we could all agree -
Life is better in Flip Flops!
These Nature Valley Granola Cups are a real favorite,
just recently discovered.
They are both crunchy and creamy and are toped with pieces of almonds.
just recently discovered.
They are both crunchy and creamy and are toped with pieces of almonds.
Oreo Chocolate Candy Bars
I am not a candy bar lover, a chocolate lover or an oreo lover -
But seriously - these are amazing!
If you try one you will for sure regret it or if you are like me,
you will be so glad you did!

I am not a candy bar lover, a chocolate lover or an oreo lover -
But seriously - these are amazing!
If you try one you will for sure regret it or if you are like me,
you will be so glad you did!

On sale for $ 24.99 in Christmas Tree Store, I wish I had purchased two.
What I love most about this bird bath is that the glass bowl stays clean.
No scrubbing, I just have to "hit it" with the hose and then replace the water.
And remember to place a rock in the center, for the birds to land on.

My great niece, Lorelei, who celebrated her 3rd Birthday.

And last but not least,
my Knockout Roses that are gorgeous this year.
I have learned that "not" pruning them the way the garden center said to is better,
much better, for their growth and health.
I have always pruned these hard as soon as new growth appeared in early March.
I didn't get to it this year so I lightly pruned them in late April.
They are so much bigger with at least 5 times the blooms.
I love the way they are climbing up and over the deck rails.
oooooh and I hate to be redundant, but...

What I love most about this bird bath is that the glass bowl stays clean.
No scrubbing, I just have to "hit it" with the hose and then replace the water.
And remember to place a rock in the center, for the birds to land on.

My great niece, Lorelei, who celebrated her 3rd Birthday.

And last but not least,
my Knockout Roses that are gorgeous this year.
I have learned that "not" pruning them the way the garden center said to is better,
much better, for their growth and health.
I have always pruned these hard as soon as new growth appeared in early March.
I didn't get to it this year so I lightly pruned them in late April.
They are so much bigger with at least 5 times the blooms.
I love the way they are climbing up and over the deck rails.
oooooh and I hate to be redundant, but...

I still have a huge crush on my iRobot!
Corn one of my favs! Been without it for months now but it has been added to my list now! YAY...that looks yummy. I love, love, love the hand towels. Everyone on FB knows that I love my flip flops! Beautiful birdbath. I love it. So different from the ones we used to have in the yards. Thanks for sharing Debbie.
That little red head is way past adorable. So precious! I often wonder if most 3 years old kids talk plain unlike Jase - last night he said "come to wiven woom, a wider". Come to the living room, a spider. Lordy.
Your roses are so beautiful, Debbie. I hope someday mine will be like yours. I've never had a problem with them growing like I have here.
The potatoes and onions? Oh mercy me, look so delish! :)
Ohhh, you have an iRobot!!!!!! They must really work, if you are crushing on it. :-)
Ohhh look at that little Red Head! Curls toooooo. She won't like them, when she's a teen, but hope she learns to "Embrace Her Curly Girl" self, when she's a little older.
We have a redheaded granddaughter, who is now 22, and teaching in Japan. :-) Hers is a deeper copery red, and gently wavy. When she was little, she really hated her red hair. She hated people stopping her mom, and "cooing" over her hair. But when she grew up a little, she realized what a gift it was!!! And she leaned to love it and "use" it. :-)
No, I am one, who does not love or even own flip-flops. Yes! One person! lol.
Ohhhhh, his grilled potatoes sound Mahhhhhhhhvelous!!!!!!!! YES!!!
We do not buy corn, until much later. When it is available at road side stand. Local farm. Picked in morning and sold to us, just hours later. F-R-E-S-H..!!! And delicious. It is worth waiting for. :-)
Have a lovely day!
Luna Crone
Hello, Lorelei is adorable. Happy belated birthday to her! Your roses are beautiful. I am not much of a candy eater. Your bird bath is pretty. Have a happy day!
This is a great series of fun photos Debbie. Lorelei is beyond adorable with that enviable red hair and such a pretty outfit. Love the color in her hair to match her rainbow tutu. Your meal looks delicious and those potaoes, yum! The roses are ever so pretty and your birdbath, would love one of those. I love Kathy's tea towels she gave you and your stove!!!! A very pretty set-up. And as for the iRobot, I am envying that immensely. I pass them by at the store and tell myself I am going to get one of those one day. Great post!
I love the variety of interesting items in this post, Debbie. Lorelei is a cutie!
I used to work produce department and I hated when corn went on special. It's a nightmare with all the crates, and left over husks
Oh boy - I'm so hungry right now! I love the bird bath too!
I do not own a pair of Flip Flops as I don't like how they flip flop, slapping against me feet.
I do love corn on the cob, with lots of butter and those potato and onions look fab!!!
Okay, I have GOT to get one of those Oreo candy bars! I didn't even know they existed :) Such a wonderful post, my friend....and now I"m hungry :)
Hugs to you!
Awww .. your little niece is at such a cute age -- what a little doll she is. Love corn on the cob -- potato and onions look delicious..... I think I want a robot, you are a good salesperson! But I can't walk in flipflops, so no sale there ;>) (It's called being terminally awkward.)
First, I'm now hungry and tomorrow is grocery day. I wonder what I'll be bringing home!! Your new bird bath is so pretty! I've never seen one like that! Lorelei is precious!
Very colourful birdbath, and great niece!
You have got my mouth watering for a taste of that corn.The roses are gorgeous,wow!
so many delicious treats! my mouth was watering by the end of the post...thank you for sharing these pictures!
what fun it is to have a glimpse into your life. :))
sending much love your way...
be blessed,
I love your corn plates and your roses! Thanks for sharing your crushes. Your bird bath is so cheery. I love my Roomba too. My kids named it Jeff, but I just call it the little guy. We have had rain in our little valley and everything is sooooo green. I love Spring. For our blog go to driggspharmacy.com click on blog on homepage.
sweet Lorelei
i read about your birthday party registry, what a great idea. i hope the idea catches on, i have always loved the small town toy stores!!!
What a fabulous, fun post Debbie, and Lorelei is simply adorable.
All the best Jan
Love the corn, it must be delicious so young and not tired from sitting in a supermarket! Thanks for sharing your dear hubs secret potato recipe ;D)
Pretty kitchen towels, yummy treats, colourful birdbath with rock for not only the birds but also saves the bees from drowning! What a sweet little Lorelei - gorgeous curls and smile :D) Love those roses and (heh heh) definitely, being redundant would be no problem. Cheers Debbie xx
I so want an iRobot! I'm hungry for the corn and other delicious foods on your menu. It all sounded so yummy. The kitchen towels are adorable. Love is better in flip flops. Although on our mission I can't wear them. Come September I'll be in them. Well, I guess I can wear them around the house now.
Your darling little niece is beyond adorable. I can tell she has a personality to match her cuteness.
I love the roses and hope we can plant some at some point of time. I will get your advice when we do.
Your bird bath is perfect. I have never seen one like this before. I would love one just like it. This year that is one thing I want to get and also a bird feeder. You have inspired me in these desires.
Trust you to tempt me with the chocolate bars; I'm in trouble now. Big hugs for you!
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