I finished all my Christmas knitting in time for Christmas
- YaY -

Now I am back to my regular knitting schedule and I started the first hat of the year.
Someone will receive it as a present for Christmas 2017.

This is a Cider Press Hat knitted with Alpaca Yarn
from the farm where I learned to knit.
This yarn is a combination of three beautiful Alpaca's
- Smoke Ring, Shooshi and Mr. Bates -

I cleaned out my large knitting basket, where I keep my stash,
and surely have enough yarn to make it through the winter.
Many thanks to everyone who stopped by to wish me a happy and "healthy" New Year.
You were all too late with the healthy part - but I forgive you.
I have not been feeling well...
nothing new or out of the ordinary for me.
The silver lining, I get to see Dr. McDreamy today,
I hope I can pull myself together...a girl can dream can't she!
I am joining Ginny at Small Things for Yarn Along
Hello, I am sure whoever receives your pretty hat will love it. I really love your knitting basket, very cute! Have a happy day and week ahead!
glad you completed your lovely hat before Christmas ,
Hope your Christmas was wonderful dear .
best wishes for joining the new place and for the new year too .
Did you gift your beautiful scarf to someone?
I don't like to hear that you're not feeling well--that worries me.
I hope Doctor McDreamy has a fix for you.
Hi Deb!!It's nice to start a new year and your new hats...(can't wait to start mine:) Take care...hugs
Of course a girl can dream, and wishing you all the best with the doc! It's so wonderful you got all your knitting finished in time, I have a friend who did not make her deadline! But it's all complete now and her daughter is very happy!
Is a clever knitter a Knit Wit?
I love that basket!!! I will be praying for you. I don't want you to feel bad. At least your Dr. is nice looking.
Lovely colors. I love Yarn along.
Lovely knitting there. I hope you are feeling better soon, lovely Debbie. Enjoy your visit with "Dr McDreamy". Xx
Your knitting is gorgeous! I'm really sorry that you're not feeling well - Dr McDreamy brings back memories - I hope he's as cute as the Greys Anatomy one. I'm thinking about you and wishing you well.
Debbie, I am sorry that you're not feeling well.
Please know that you are in my thoughts, sweet friend.
A beautiful knitting holder! Pretty purple peeking out ;D)
Hope you can get back to feeling as good as you can Debbie, hugs xx
The alpaca yarns are really beautiful!
Now, listen I want you feeling better soon!
The alpaca yarns are really beautiful!
Now, listen I want you feeling better soon!
I admire those who knit, it seems so hard
Wonderful idea to get started now on next year's Christmas gifts, I keep telling myself that is what I need to do but I usually put it off until the last minute. So neat to know who your yarn is coming from :)
Saying a prayer that your health will improve and you start to feel much better... maybe Dr. McDreamy helped with that today :)
They look lovely Debbie...
Love the basket for your yar HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU AND YOUR HUSBAND
Well done with your knitting ...
Sorry you've not been feeling too good, hope your appointment with Dr. McDreamy went / goes well.
All the best Jan
I'm looking for a new project. I love our GP, and hubby's surgeon. Hope you are well.
I am getting over my December bronchitis. Finally.
(ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!
put the and designer on my look into list, thanks
Oh, my dear friend, I do hope you are doing better. I like your description of your physician; so cute. I always love to see your knitting and this looks like another awesome hat; lucky person who get's this one.
Prayers, blessings and hugs for you dear friend!
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