
Friday, December 9, 2016

The Sweetest Place on Earth

The hubs and I hopped aboard our 4 - wheel drive sleigh, for a quick road trip to Hershey, Pa.
It is, as always, on the Winter Bucket List and we did not get to cross this off last year.
- we love this place -
One of us more than the other, because if I am to be truthful,
my husband is addicted to chocolate.
It's truer than true - he eats the stuff morning, noon and night.
And he is a "sneaky" eater of chocolate.
 When he knows he's had too much, he sneaks some...
somehow thinking if no one see's him eat it, well it somehow doesn't count!

The smell of chocolate is everywhere...

Welcome to Santa's House - made entirely of candy!!

We had such a good time - more to come!!

December 7, 2016


  1. Besides Reese Cups I'm more of a Mars candy person but I'd like to visit there myself as well

  2. The candy house is really well done.

  3. Wow! A world of chocolate, love it!
    Great pictures...

  4. Hello Debbie!:) This is a chocoholics dream place! I'll bet you had a great chocolate tasting experience. Lovely photos!:)

  5. Hello, I can almost smell the chocolate. I love the kisses and Hershey bars. YUM! Great photos. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  6. oh, my kind of place, as I sit here eating a Kit Kat.

  7. Oh my goodness! What a great time of year to visit! We've been a few times but always in the Fall. The chocolate comes right into your car as soon as you get in's intoxicating! heehee! Cute pic of the two of you! Hugs!

  8. Oh, I DO know about the whole chocolate addiction thing!! :-)
    I especially love dark chocolate, and "they" do say it is supposed to be good for you, so... :-)
    What a wonderful time, my friend!

  9. Goodness!
    I've never seen so much chocolate!

    Love the picture of you and hubs

    Enjoy the remainder of Friday and all good wishes for the up-coming weekend.

    All the best Jan

  10. Ahh chocolate it is one of the joys in life.

  11. Oh, what a fun (and sweet :) place! Such a cute selfie, too! Love your sweater! xx Karen

  12. Looks like you both had a fun time! Hello from Texas...

  13. Hershey used to have a Canadian plant in Smiths Falls, 20 minutes down the road from us. After they moved out, it became a marijuana op -- a legal one for medical purposes. While it was here, we visited more than once. Strangely enough, some people who had lived here all of their lives hadn't visited at all.

    BTW as far as addictions go, chocolate is a good one.

  14. what a beautiful couple you both make dear .
    usually i hear about women who love chocolate much but your hubby seems winner dear lol.
    these pics are just so MARVELOUS and well DESCRIPTIVE about this wonderful place .

  15. Yummy photos :) Happy weekend Debbie...

  16. Wow! I am a chocolate person too! I would love to visit this place and have a tasting experience! You and hubby are a beautiful couple. Enjoy your weekend!

  17. Never been there, but have heard lots of great things! It looks like fun! Of course, with the first photo I immediately thought of Willy Wonka! :-)

  18. Came over from "Made In Heaven" for your Christmas spirit photo. Wow yes! Where better to find it, than at Hershey's??? :-))))

    Many gentle hugs,
    Luna Crone

  19. Wonderful! I think I need some chocolate now! I can't even begin to imagine how good this must smell!

  20. I enjoyed the photos from Hershey. I am a chocoholic myself!

  21. Your hubby reminds of me. I think just like that when it comes to chocolate. In fact, if I was making this chocolate house; there were be some missing tiles. Loved this one! Hug~
