Everyone here at the Jersey Shore is on Whale Watch, myself included.
They have been spotted everyday up and down the coastline,
in Monmouth and Ocean Counties.
I have been dragging the hubs to the beach and inlet,
hoping to see them myself, but so far, no luck.
Or so I thought...
Now this may be a stretch but when I loaded these pictures the other day,
I noticed something that looked like maybe it could be...

Just to the left of the jetty, almost on the horizon - it looks like it could be -
they were spotted in this exact spot the day before.
So for excitements sake, let's just say it is.

I have been dragging the hubs to the beach and inlet,
hoping to see them myself, but so far, no luck.
Or so I thought...
Now this may be a stretch but when I loaded these pictures the other day,
I noticed something that looked like maybe it could be...

Just to the left of the jetty, almost on the horizon - it looks like it could be -
they were spotted in this exact spot the day before.
So for excitements sake, let's just say it is.

This is the view at the Manasquan Inlet
the boats are coming in after a ride in the ocean.
These pictures were taken this past Saturday, a beautiful day and the inlet was filled with boats.
boaters whom I'm sure were happy they had not winterized their boat for the season!
November 12, 2016
November 12, 2016
Hello, Debbie! Could it be a whale or dolphin? The boats are wonderful, I am sure it is sad for the boat owners that the season is over. Great photos. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!
i bet it was! i read that one was spotted near the statue of liberty.
Lovely shots. This Floridian is wondering, what is this winterizing business?
You're fun! Let's call it a whale sighting!!!
My brother took us whale watching in Tofino, B.C., ages ago! It was exciting.
I love these beautiful boats coming in! It looks like a whale to me!!
Yep - for sure! And beautiful boat and blue water scenery to go with it!
Yes, let's say it is!
Aren't those boats lovely - great photo's again Debbie, thank you.
All the best Jan
Looks like a whale to me! And it looks like beautiful weather too!
Cool boats
It very well could be! Either that or you've photographed the elusive "Nessie". :-) Love the boats! They're one of the things I miss about the Great Lakes.
Oh my goodness I saw it before I read were you said you think it was so I am saying yes you captured one there :) Are there any whale watching boats that would take you out? I can't handle them myself, I get sea sick too easy, but it would be neat to see one close up that's for sure, hope one of these times you will see one that there is no question you saw it!
You did get some great photos of the boats. I do like that wooden one; very unique. I di hope that you did see just a glimpse of a whale. I hope you do get a really good photo of one; that would be awesome. Enjoy your moments looking for one! Hugs~
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