
Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Yarn Along

I have made good progress on my Guernsey Wrap this week.
I am not a jumbo jet knitter, I actually knit more like a kite but I am ok with that.

I had a play date with my two great nieces on Monday 
and I brought my knitting with me in case they took a nap.

Now my yarn looks like this.
Lorelei got into it and I'm not sure this can be saved.
I cut it from my work, started a new ball and handed this over to the hubs to untangle.
He worked on it for hours last night. 
He huffed and puffed a bit, it's spread out on the living room floor
and apparently he has it down to the "nucleus".
Moral of the story, 
don't leave your knitting unattended, where a 2 year old can reach it!
You all probably know that!!

I am joining Ginny at Small Things 
Yarn Along


  1. Oh my. Good luck with that.

  2. Yes.a two year old can tangle up any ball of yarn and have fun doing it.

  3. been there....a two year old pup can do a whirlwind of tangle to a ball of yarn, too!!! (ask me how I know this?!)

  4. Hello, your wrap is looking pretty. The important part of the story is you had a fun time with your great-nieces. Sorry about the yarn, it does look like a tangled mess. Have a happy day!

  5. Ah yes, Reed and I go through this all the time. Good luck to you and hubby on that particular project. Xoxo Andrea @ This Knitted Life

  6. I'm so sorry about your tangled yarn. I recently spent two days trying to untangle a skein after attempting to find the beginning of the yarn in the center of the ball. I pulled out a huge, tangled glob. Ugh. Btw, your Guernsey wrap is Gorgeous! I've just added the pattern to my Ravelry que.

  7. OH my!!! not so much your yarn is tangled... I tangle mine...but my hubby always untangled mind too..... sounds all to familiar:)))

  8. Or cats or a dog. I have spent hours untangling yarn! Your wrap is wonderful. I think it looks perfect for cool weather.
    I hope Chuck wins! I bet he will. Ron likes to untangle yarn too. Have a lovely day Debbie!

  9. I don't have a 2 year old around, but I do have two cats and this has happened. LOL

  10. Oh goodness, Debbie. Well, glad you have Chuck. LOL

    Two year olds? Oh, yes I quite understand.

  11. The wrap is beautiful!

    Oh dear! :) But, I'm sure the two-year-old had a heap of fun with the ball of yarn!

  12. your Guernsey is looking lovely! don't you just love when you get tangled yarn? I think I've only given up on yarn one time, I will take hours trying to untangle lol

  13. Speaking of making a mess of yarn, and ribbons and other rope like things, my kitty cat can top any two year old! She is so sneaky!

  14. Gosh I still had more to comment, back to sneaky kitty, she's so clever she can actually open the cupboard door where I've hiddn the ribbon rolls!

  15. Ooooooh, nooooooo!
    Bless that hubs of yours.
    I hope he gets the nucleus straightened out after all the time he spent on the rest of it. xo.

  16. You do have the best of hubs; hugs for him! Yes, I can tell you tales about what some of our grandchildren have destroyed. I do love your Guernsey Wrap! You need to promise to model this one~ Blessings!

  17. Oh I am so sorry! It was coming along beautifully! The little one probably thought it was the most fun unravelling all that! Hope you can recover your work without too much time lost.

  18. well it looks like you did not lose too much yarn butperhaps your hhusband can unravel it for you

  19. Seeing things like this always makes me think of my grandma, one of my favorite people of all time. She used to do all kinds of crafty things, knitting being a main activity. She seemed to know just about everything there was to know.

  20. Oh my goodness, lesson learned huh! I left mine out with the cat when she was younger, that isn't a great idea either ;)
    I can just hear your hubby huffin and puffin :)

  21. It is already very grande.Pronto your good work was finished,

  22. I've read that those Maram grasses they plant to control erosion just keep growing upwards as the sand accumulates around them. By the time you get a dune 15 feet deeo, it's filled with the inter-laced roots of the grass. No wonder it helps control erosion.

  23. Safer with a cat than a two year old

  24. Men are great at untangling wool. I just don't have enough patience! Your wrap is looking wonderful.
    I did read some reviews of the pattern and some seemed to hint it could be confusing. Is it easy enough to follow?
    Have a brilliant weekend :)

    1. I don't find the pattern to be confusing at all. If you can read a pattern, knit and purl, you will be fine!!

    2. Thank you Debbie. I shall have to download it & give it a go. Have a brilliant week :)

  25. That is so much fun! Wasn't it worth it??!!
