Sunday, September 25, 2016

What I am Crushin' On...

I have a new found crush on a few things around here that I thought I would share with you guys...

My new IPad Pro

with this crazy expensive Apple cover.  
It's super thin, magnetic and I really love it.
Even tho, in my humble opinion, it was way too expensive at 80 buck-a-roos!! 

Specifically this Blueberry Scone with homemade 
Blueberry Jam
which was the favor from my nephew's wedding that I attended recently!!

Playing Games with son Mike...

Scattergories and Uno, 
two of my favorites. 
If you have never played Scattergories you must give it a try.

Two dinners that the hubs made for me...

The last of the tomatoes from the garden...

 which happen to be very good to us this year.

And last but certainly not least...

My new purple Vera Bradley Flip Flops, aren't they beautiful?!?!


eileeninmd said...

Hello, the new ipad and cover are great. The dinners and the scone look delicious. We did not grow any tomatoes this year, your look yummy. Pretty flip-flops. Happy Sunday, enjoy your day!

21 Wits said...

They are beautiful, and just your color too! Dinner by hubs is scrumptious looking, and the presentation is top of the line! Your things to crush on are all so worthy!

Anonymous said...

Wow... I'd crush over all those too. My kids and I used to play Scattergories. It really is a fun game. Those veggies look great, and that dinner looks REALLY great. The flip flops are definitely you. What do you use you iPad for mostly? I have one, but I don't ever use it much.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Looks like you are in good hands, with the food your hubby makes for you.

Changes in the wind said...

Those were some fine looking meals that your hubby made for you and yes your flip flops are pretty.

Nancy Chan said...

I have been thinking of ipad for a long time. I know how to play UNO but have not tried Scattergories. You are so blessed to have your hubby prepared such super dinners for you. The scone and dinners look so delicious. Pretty purple flip flops.

Debbie said...

hi sharon, i can't drive, such a bummer, so i am always the passenger in the car. i have service for it, so i use it in the car all the time for answering emails, reading blogs and searching the net. i also use it when i'm on the couch at night as i find my mac bulky and cumbersome. it's great when i'm in the hospital, which is far too often, as i get better and want to use a computer, the iPad works great.

i have an iPhone but i find that too small, in the car, to do the things i want to do. i use my iPad all the time!!!

Sally said...

How wonderful that hubs can cook for you!
I used to play those kind of games with my mom, especially Uno. :)

Love your new flip flops. I want them, please put into the mail for me. hahaha

P.S. I've never had a scone, but that looks wonderful!

TexWisGirl said...

you had me with the meals. yum.

Farm Girl said...

All lovely things too!!! I love Scattergories!! We used to play it all of the time. I love your new IPad too. Your flip flops are wonderful. How nice your son is home. Nik and Emilie came over and taught us how to play Nurtz last night. It was very addicting.
Your produce looks so yummy as does your lovely food. I think I would like some Scones with blackberry jam.
Such fun pictures to day Debbie. Have a lovely Sunday.

Nicki said...

I wish your husband could come and fix me dinner - yum; mine, it would be hotdog, sweet potato fries (ugh). I don't wear flip flops, but would entertain the thought with those - super cool.

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

Those kbobs made me hungry, and I just had lunch.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

OH yes to everything you show. But I'd also be crushing on my husband if I were you (lol) ... those dinners look amazing. I love my IPAD too -- not so much for blogging like I tried to do when we were traveling earlier this month... but just like for you it's a FUN machine!

Brian King said...

Love my iPad! The Pro looks really nice! Congrats! The meals and veggies look fantastic!

Linda said...

You are fortunate that your husband is a good cook.

Lowcarb team member said...

What a lovely collection of photo's to look at.
Your meals look delicious and your tomatoes and home grown vegetables have done well haven't they.

But to finish with those flip flops ... well the colour is just perfect.

All the best Jan

Adam said...

My wife is a UNO lover. I like it in moderation, she could play until her hands fell off

Michelle said...

Those are some fancy flip-flops. I like!

Conniecrafter said...

I like the magnetic covers on those! It's crazy how much they charge for those covers isn't it. Those are two of my favorite games too. My hubby doesn't care for playing those kind of games anymore. Your veggies look terrific from the garden!!

The Furry Gnome said...

What an interesting collection!

Bonnie K said...

I love the flip flops. Quite the array of photos.

Gail said...

Every picture made me smile.

Being a fellow purple lover I bet you can guess my favorite.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

yes love the flip flops and also laying those games with my grand kids

Prunella Pepperpot said...

Loving your flip flops and your husband is indeed a very talented cook.
Never heard of scattergories before.

Laura. M said...

To enjoy the iPad Pro, games, dinners and tomatoes from the garden last Debbie. Nice photos.
Me gustan las chanclas 😍

Unknown said...

Ooooo, those dinners looks so yummy, Debbie!
What a sweetheart hubby is.
Congratulations on your new iPad Pro.
I absolutely LOVE mine!!
Happy day to you, my friend. xo.

Kim said...

Love those flip flops! Isn't Scattergories the best game. Your "hubs" is a good cook. How cool to have your very own iPad Pro.

Ida said...

Yum on the food your hubby made you. Have fun with that new ipad. Cute flip flops.

LeAnn said...

The food looks delicious and I love that your hubby is a good cook too. We have played both those games before; way fun! Your I Pad Pro looks like a future buy for me. I really love your new purple flip flops. You are just so fun! Blessings and hugs~