Saturday, September 3, 2016

Saturday Critters ~ 142 ~

I visited this Butterfly Garden last year, after I read about it on Facebook.
It was created last year and 
I was happy to return this year and see that it has been maintained beautifully.

On the Barnegat Bay in Seaside New Jersey, it has a pretty view located
away from the boardwalk, beach and shore attractions...
I like that.

It is a peaceful, quiet spot,

and a lot of the flowers in the garden were still in bloom.

The Black Swallowtails were fluttering about but I was only able to capture one image worth sharing.

And this little guy who was happy to pose for me.
There weren't too many butterflies,
a few Black Swallowtails and one Monarch that was having no part of posing for pictures.

Sharing today's images with

August 30, 2016


eileeninmd said...

Hello, Debbie! The view of the bay is pretty. I love the butterfly garden. Great captures of the Swallowtail and the skipper. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your Labor Day weekend!

rainfield61 said...

Elegant butterflies.

The skipper can fly in "lightning" speed. I have found them at my place.

21 Wits said...

What a lovely place to visit butterflies! I have a garden this year that has been captivating to our sweet Monarch butterflies, thank goodness, because they need places to survive!

TexWisGirl said...

i like the little skippers. what a pretty spot!

Brian King said...

What gorgeous photos! Beautiful colors!

carol l mckenna said...

All lovely photos and amazing butterfly shots!

Happy Weekend to you ~ ^_^

Christine said...

I have been chasing butterflies this week too! Your photos of them and the flowers are beautiful!

Breathtaking said...

Lovely captures of the butterflies Debbie, and I love the idea of having a well maintained and pretty butterfly garden by the sea. The tranquil pier and gull shots are beautiful.:)

Adam said...

Very beautiful pictures

Karen said...

That looks so peaceful. It's amazing you got one to pose for you. I saw several big orange butterflies today in our driveway, but they're gone in a flash!

LeAnn said...

Of course, I saved all these fantastic photos. Thanks for your magical eye for beauty. Sending hugs your way!

Stephanie said...

Your images make me feel as though I am right there in person enjoying the beauty of nature. Thanks for sharing, sweet Debbie. Happy long weekend! Hugs!

Lea said...

Love the Swallowtail on the Zinnia!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Beautiful scenes,whether with a butterfly or without.

Linda said...

How delightful! Your butterfly close-ups are excellent.

BeachGypsy said...

That is a beautiful picture of the bright butterfly on the pink flower-- love it!💜💜 --hey do yall get those huge fluttery white big moth thingies there? They fly at night and love my white moonflowers!

Ela said...

Wow !!!! Fantastic photos !!!
Greetings :)

Jenn Jilks said...

We have a butterfly sanctuary in Ontario, too. Happily I can see them here, though! Love yours!

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

nice shots :)

Unknown said...

Gorgeous captures! I love the butterflies.

Lowcarb team member said...

That looks such a lovely spot and so important to have these types of garden areas to support the butterflies ...

Lovely photo's

All the best Jan

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

love the butterfly garden and the view it has as well as that long pier

Conniecrafter said...

I remember you going last year, so great that it still is being kept up nicely and is still a quiet place to enjoy, great job catching them, ours just don't seem to stay still long enough for me :)