
Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Preparing for Hermine...

We prepared for Hermine the same way we always prepare for a storm.

We check out the ocean. 
All the beaches were closed, even though it was a beautiful, sunny day.
The rip tides/currents were reported to be dangerous!

We went to the Scone Pony and stocked up on the necessary, sweets and treats!

We rode the bikes around Spring Lake, we took pictures here, under this tree,
which is exactly what we did the day before 
Super Storm Sandy.
The storm was downgraded and the threat to New Jersey lessened,
so it was easy to just relax and have fun.
And have fun we did!!

And fyi, Hermine never showed up, no wind, no rain, not even one drop!

September 4, 2016


  1. Lindas as fotografias, gostei de ver os meus amigos estão muito bem.
    Um abraço e boa semana.

  2. I am so happy Hermie missed you and you were prepared:) Hug B

  3. The beach scene is beautiful. The blue sky, the clouds, the surf and everything else makes for a great combination.

  4. It sure made the sky and ocean look pretty! and a great excuse for some sweet treats :)

  5. Hello, pretty images. I love the view of the ocean. The treat looks yummy, great shot of you and your hubby! We did not see anything of Hermine here either. Happy Tuesday, enjoy your day!

  6. Like us, you guys were prepared but thankfully didn't need to be.

    Beautiful photo's as always, Debbie.


  7. yum yum..... now my tummy is growling for the sweet treats :)

  8. Happy to hear you didn't have any trouble with Hermine. Pics were lovely as always :)

  9. I like how your prepare! I am so glad she never showed up.
    It looks like you had a lovely time. I think the weathermen do overreact sometimes.

  10. What would we do without all the hype!!??! Glad the Jersey shore was spared!

  11. I'm glad you weren't affected by Hermine! If that is an example of the food you keep in the house for a storm, then I want to shelter with you! :-)

  12. So pleased you didn't have any problems.
    All of your photo's are great, but I especially like the one of you both under the tree

    All the best Jan

  13. The storm may not have showed up but at least you had the mandatory treats ready.Those treats have to be eaten,hurricane or not.LOL

  14. Not the kind of preparations I was expecting, but your way was more fun! I'm sure you all are veterans at that sort of thing, anyway.

  15. It sure looks and sounds like the prep was the very best!]
    I am so glad Hermine passed you by, my friend. xo.

  16. I like stocking up with the sweets and treats!

  17. I think sweets and treats are very important when preparing for an emergency. We have 72 hour kits prepared just incase and of course, I have to have my chocolate. I am so happy that there wasn't a storm and that you had a fun day. I really love the last photo of the two of you! Blessing and hugs~

  18. The sweets and treats look excellent. I wish I could eat stuff like that more often, but it doesn't usually agree with me. I'm glad the storm missed you.

  19. Be safe. I luckily don't live near the ocean per se. Hurricanes have to be extreme for it to make a difference 3 hours away from the beach

  20. What a great way to prepare for a storm. The ocean waves are so cool. Oh man those pastries made me drool.
    You guys look so cute together. - So happy the storm never hit.

  21. Lucky you that it never showed up, and also how fun to go around checking, and discovering yummy treats too!

  22. Mmmm the sweets look so yummy, glad you had your priorities straight :) Looks like you had a beautiful day to enjoy your bike ride, good news you didn't get any bad weather out of that system
