
Friday, September 2, 2016

Asbury Park

Asbury Park here at the Jersey Shore is a unique, eclectic and historic seashore town.
The boardwalk has been revitalized and it really is better than ever.
There are several ocean front restaurants, shops, endless beaches and great surf.
We went for a walk on the boardwalk last Saturday,
we never walk far, we mostly sat on a bench and people watched.

But look at this place at 7 pm...

the beaches are still packed with people.

And as much as we love this place, let's get back to the "unique" and "eclectic"...

It's just that kinda' vibe.

And the sky was beautiful as we were leaving,
setting over the legendary Stone Pony, 
Bruce Springsteen's home!


  1. Lindas estas belas fotografias.
    Um abraço e bom fim de semana.

  2. Good morning, Debbie! I love the people watch on the boardwalk and beach. Your sunset shot is gorgeous. Happy Friday, have a happy weekend!

  3. Hahaha definitely my kind of place! I can't believe all the people there at 7am, but then again, I can believe it. Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend! Hopefully we will be spared from bad weather.

  4. Oh my, how wonderful! This is beyond cool! Reminds me of things I've seen on the beach of Cannon Beach in Oregon! Enjoy it all Debbie!

  5. Good morning, sweet Debbie! I thoroughly enjoyed your photos, what fascinating things you see {{smiles}}

    Have a fabulous weekend. Hugs!

  6. I would have a sore neck trying to see everything going on there! Really fun!
    What a golden sunset !
    Happy weekend!

  7. What an incredible place to people watch. I enjoyed every bit of it. HUG B

  8. I love to people-watch. I used to imagine what they did for a living...played Sherlock about where they live, what they've experienced in their lives. So of course I turned into a writer.

    Love the sunset

  9. I'm going to have to get out more! I never see anything like this. LOL

  10. What a fun place. It sort of reminds me of Venice Beach here. You never know what you are going to see. Lovely pictures though. Will it not be so crowded after Labor Day?

  11. I'm with Judy; I need to get out more! So glad you and hubs do though; I always enjoy seeing where you've been and what you're doing. :)


  12. Thanks for the memories. I spent a lot of years working in Ocean Grove.

    1. your welcome!! ocean grove is amazing but not quite as colorful as asbury!!!

  13. Looks like there is a lot of fun going on ...
    Oh, that sky on your last picture is so lovely, I love the colours you've captured.

    Wishing you a good weekend, can you believe it's September!!!

    All the best Jan

  14. we love to just walk and/or sit and people watch as well. Some great people watching at beaches for sure! LOL I spy a MERMAID!!--everybody knows how I love the mermaids. You feeling all well now, i hope?

  15. That would be the perfect place to sit and people watch! Very interesting!

  16. What an interesting place. One could sit there for hours and look at all the interesting people and goings on.

  17. Great photos! Those are some unique people!

  18. That's quite the place for people watching!

  19. such fun these peple are having but youor sunset is mt favourite Debbie

  20. Hello Debbie!:) Too crowded for a beach party, but it is so much fun people watching, especially in a place like this, where there are such diverse characters. Lovely sunset Debbie.:)

  21. Such a wonderful looking place. I always wished there was something like this near me.

  22. Beautiful beach! I prefer the desolated version, but it's fun watching the people, too.

  23. I enjoyed walking the boardwalk with you The photos are unique. Remember I don't get out a lot to a place like this so I enjoyed them all. Hugs!

  24. Gotta love people watching!!!! Great beach.

  25. Isn't it fun to people watch, it's amazing the way people will dress, love that third picture of the girl checking out those people going by :) The sunset is just gorgeous!! Bet it was a fun day out :)
