
Tuesday, June 7, 2016

How Does Your Garden Grow...

I went outside on Sunday and took some pictures of my garden.
Next up on the home to-do-list is power washing the deck and house and the house is getting painted.
I am afraid this is going to damage my gardens so I wanted to get a record my plants at this point.

Everything is growing well, 
we moved what we could off the deck but I am worried about everything else.

These are wildflowers.
Two years ago I had a package of expired wildflower seeds.
I threw them down here, behind the deck, barely raked them in and was sure they would not grow.
Last year there were a few flowers...
but this is how the garden looks this year, the flowers are so beautiful.

They are like little miracle flowers...

I wonder if they have a specific name?

My vegetable plants are doing very well, all look very healthy and have at least tripled in size.






I planted the extra Vinca's in this pot, one I already had.

This is how it looked before we moved everything...
I did "not" have a hand in the moving...them there suckers are heavy!!

So how about you guys, how is your garden growing?


  1. Lindos e bem tratados estes belos canteiros.
    Um abraço e continuação de uma boa semana.

    1. translated: Beautiful and well cared for these beautiful sites. A hug and continuation of a good week.

  2. ..... your garden is looking gorgeous, Debbie.... I love the wildflowers.. so pretty and such lovely colours..
    I hope there wont be to much damage when the work is being done.
    Hubby and I spent a couple of days pruning, weeding and tidying up our garden recently .. it looks great now.. xxxx
    ..hugs.. Barb xxx

  3. The wildflowers are beautiful. Every year I say I'm going to throw some seeds down, but then I get distracted as usual and forget. Our deck garden is coming along nicely. We could do with a little less rain though.

  4. Those pretty flowers, Debbie, are called Sweet William. They are so pretty. Your garden is growing a treat. Spring is springing over there.

  5. gardens are floating today in Tampa.

    Love that 3rd shot

  6. The flowers are dianthus or as we say in the south, Sweet William. I love them. Surely hope they continue to give you so much color and joy.

  7. In Russia we call this flower Turkish Pink if literally =) But, yes, it is Sweet William. I like these flowers very much! They are so beautiful, but very unpretentious =)

  8. Your surprise garden is incredible!!! I don't know if I have ever seen sweet William's that big or so glorious! I do hope nothing happens to that sweet little place. What a joy it must be to stand there and look at them.
    My gardens are okay, but not ready for so many over 100 degree days. Its fine in August, but in June every thing is just not as happy.
    I hope nothing happens to your lovely gardens.

  9. Debbie That flower is Sweet William but I do not tink it is a wildflower. It is a perenial oftten a frown asa bienial. Now I have looked up wild Sweet William and it doess not llok like your plant. it has a lovely smell and my granny used to grown Sweet Weilliam.

  10. Nature's gifts are miracles, and your garden is growing along nicely. Those wildflowers are just beautiful too!

  11. I love how nature can surprise us like that! Wonderful blooms & plants! Hope they survive the moves!

  12. Debbie, a wonderful garden.
    Beautiful pictures.

  13. No. That's my answer, and it would take a miracle to get my wildflowers to look like yours. :)

    Everything always looks so good at your house, Debbie. I hope, at least your vegetables, are far enough away so as to not be harmed. xoxoxo

  14. I used to plant those flowers in with Bachelor Button's. They are Sweet William, but not a wildflower. They will return each year. My garden is doing quite well this year too.

  15. Such beautiful flowers, Debbie! I did the same thing a few years back and the Sweet William has faithfully come back year after year. If you save the seed, you can spread them around, too. All your veggies looks so healthy, too. Scrolled down to see your grassed in slope - it turned out beautiful! xx Karen

  16. so lovely. i like your miracle flowers. :)

  17. Your flowers are gorgeous! And the veggies appear to be doing very well!

  18. Your garden is looking lovely, and good to see both flowers and vegetables are growing so well.

    I think you've definitely got 'green fingers'

    All the best Jan

  19. You have a very green thumb! All of your plants look so healthy. That is so cool that the wild flowers were determined to grow. :-) Our veggies are doing pretty well. Larry is afraid that one tomato plant is showing a blight. And I think we need to do some thinning.

  20. Everything is just beautiful, Debbie!

    Ours are coming along, after a very slow beginning, thanks to 3 heavy frosts in May. I lost an entire (and I DO mean entire) vegetable garden, but not to be deterred, I replanted everything. With the nice weather we have been having (until today!), it's coming along quite nicely.

  21. Your flowers are really beautiful. You must put a lot of love and care into such a nice garden!

  22. Our garden is growing well and the weeds are growing even better! lol

  23. Wow, your garden is thriving! I love your tomato in the purple watering can. It looks very happy.

  24. I wish my garden looked that good. I have two flowers out back that I'd be embarrassed to show their pictures. I have a vegetable garden though that is full of weeds but it produces a lot of vegetables.

  25. Wow!No words to describe the beauty of the flowers and plants. All plants has grown out good with great strength...

  26. What a pretty garden you have grown...I like container gardening, don't you? Much easier on the back I think.

  27. Yes, Sweet William, AKA Stinky Billy, depending upon your UK background! My dad had a ton and he loved them!

  28. I love your sweet williams , that is what we have always called them, some kind of Dianthus kinship.
    I have got to plant more. When picked and brought in they last a long long time til every little fower has bloomed. You have such beautiful plants and gorgeous vegetables in pots. Do you put miracle grow or some other feed for vegetables?

  29. Oh my your Sweet Williams are stunning! - Looks like your veggies are doing really well.

  30. Wow, that looks all so amazing! You must have a green thump - such a beautiful and healthy garden!

  31. I hope your plants make it ok through the painting, they look beautiful, I hope the ones hubby planted turn out so nice, although he didn't do a good job of weeding before hand so that is going to look messy. It's amazing the things he takes such care to detail and things that he just half way does, oh well, I guess he can't be perfect in everything ;) Your veggie plants are looking great, we did our planting so late that they aren't all that big yet except I did buy my green peepers already a good size and we were gone for a couple of days and we went out to water last night and see I have some buds starting on them so that is cool :) Have a wonderful weekend!

  32. At this point we don't have a garden; although I do plan to plant tomatoes this weekend. Your garden looks lovely and your flowers are just beautiful. Of course, I love all your photos. Have fun while your home is being painted.
