
Tuesday, May 17, 2016

The Saga Continues...

Bunnies are adorable, I happen to love them, really I do.

But this huge porker is an eating machine.... 

and is destroying my entire front lawn.

What goes in, must come out...
There's another whole story here...but really, what's the point?

Now...if I can just teach this guy how to use an edger and a weed wacker,
I can cancel the lawn maintenance guy, 
as cutting the lawn with a lawn mower is no longer necessary.


  1. Ha ha ... "Now...if I can just teach this guy how to use an edger and a weed wacker,
    I can cancel the lawn maintenance guy,
    as cutting the lawn with a lawn mower is no longer necessary."

    Great photo's of this cheeky guy - he's loving your grass!

    Have a great day

    All the best Jan

  2. Lindo e muito bem "apanhado" este belo coelho.
    Um abraço e continuação de uma boa semana.

  3. This looks just like the one that is hanging out around my house. He is scheduled to appear on blog tomorrow.

  4. He certainly must have a great appetite Debbie

  5. Hello, Debbie. Your Porker is a cutie. You must have some extra tasty grass there. My bunnies usually eat our plants. Adorable photos! Happy Tuesday, enjoy your day!

  6. Oh you are truly hilarious, Debbie. More fertilizer for your garden!!!! What is it about your 'home sweet home' that attracts the animal kingdom!! I wonder what creature turns up at your place tomorrow. I must say though, that porker of a bunny rabbit is terribly cute.....there is something about his eyes.

  7. a cutie...reminds me when Sissy digs a hole in the lawn. Oh well, to dog is family, the lawn isn't.

  8. I'm cracking up at all these animal posts. I sense a theme. POOP!!!!!

  9. I adore them too, and my dogs are warned not bunny chasing around here!

  10. Hello Debbie!:) Wow, great captures of this cute well fed bunny. Some people keep goats to maintain their lawns neatly trimmed, and it works, but why don't they ever eat round the edges! I'd rather have a bunny than a goat though! I hope your birdies are doing well.:)

  11. Your lawn must be full of good calories -- he looks fat and sassy that's for sure. Did you know that bunny poop is really good fertilizer? You can actually put it straight on your garden (unlike chicken "pellets" which have to be diluted or it will burn up your crops.) So your lawn is just gonna keep growing and growing no matter how much he eats. (A century or so ago My husband and kids used to raise rabbits.)

  12. Well he does look like he is enjoying your lawn very much. I would take a bunny any day over the skunks that have taken up residence.
    I love your photos they are fantastic.

  13. So cute! It would be nice to be able to train him to eat just the right places and make your lawn look better!

  14. But he leaves the best fertilizer there is.

  15. Well, he's cute, for sure...but I understand completely about the damage done to a lawn. :(

  16. I think that rabbits have such innocent eye purposely)) How can one blame the creature with such eyes? =))

  17. adorable, but very much a varmint. :)

  18. It looks like he has half the front lawn in his choppers right there! LOL!

  19. Que graça por aqui não tenho coelhos;
    mas gosto muito;
    Belas as imagens.

  20. Que graça por aqui não tenho coelhos;
    mas gosto muito;
    Belas as imagens.

    1. What fun around here do not have rabbits ;but like a lot ;Fine images .
      janicce .

  21. Cute photos and Leanna's comment cracked me up!

  22. He's so cute but I bet he's a nuisance eating up all your lawn.

  23. Oh my I totally love these pictures, we have a few hanging out in our yard but are not doing the job like your little guy is, they need some training :)

  24. I do love your seance so humor. LOL on this one! The pictures of the rabbit is amazing. I am so sorry he is causing havoc. I can sympathize. The Rabbits that came in to our yard in Spokane ate some of my pansies one year. I was not a happy camper.
    Love and hugs for you!
