
Thursday, May 19, 2016

Good Fences ~ Edition 113 ~

Did anyone miss me last week here at Good Fences?
After participating in 111 Good Fence posts, never missing one,
boom, just like that, I was not able to participate last week.
Sometimes, life gets hard...Sometimes, it's harder than it has to be.
Enough said!!

Yesterday, there was so much excitement and chatter here on the blog about my 
Little Kim Lilacs
I decided to drag my sorry bottom outside and take some pictures.
Of course, now that I decided to brag about them,
they are not looking as "fine" today as they were yesterday...

but they aren't looking too shabby either.

I counted a total of eight bushes, that have all grown together,
forming a fence like hedge.
The Little Kim flowers are a very light lilac color, looking almost white from a distance,
but the fragrance is the same.
They always bloom after regular lilacs and the blooms were abundant this year, top to bottom.

Our home is built on a one acre parcel and this is the back and side property line.
Directly next to the lilacs are some beautiful Viburnum, 
I am not sure why I didn't photograph them.
And a little p.s. here, the hubs built our lovely abode, 33 years ago.

Next come the Green Giant Thugi Shrubs
then a small patch of grass...

and one last lilac in the stone garden that is more a part of the pool garden.

The rail road tie steps lead down to the river,

with little peaks here at the new fence we had installed last year.
One nice big picture, of the overall area would have been helpful,
yep, woulda' been, but I didn't take that either.

Last night while reading emails a huge raccoon jumped up on the deck railing
and glared into the window, not 10 feet away.
By the time I found the camera, changed the lens, set the settings,
and found the battery, it was gone.
Yep, he was a quick one
* wink *
I was a little concerned about seeing it, while it was still light out...
but it was dusk and hopefully he just "rose" early to begin his evening of irritating me.
He left a few droppings on the deck rail, I cleaned those up while I was out there.
To be clear, I don't live on a farm or in the country,
it's just a little house, in the burbs.
Enough said!!

And a shout out to my dear friend Kim at Field of my Dreams
I can't help but smile and think about your shinning face, each time I type out your name.

Sharing today with my good friend


  1. Lindas estas flores nunca me canso de ver a natureza.
    Um abraço e continuação de uma boa semana.

    1. Beautiful these flowers never get tired of seeing nature. A hug and continuation of a good week .

  2. These different Liliacs are so beautiful and I am sure smell wonderful Debbie. of course you were missed but then we are all allowed days off, i just have not found mine yet!!! Have a wonderful weekend and hope you keep well.

  3. Hello Debbie!:) Your pale lilac blooms are beautiful and they make a great fence. There is a large lilac tree on the farm and I love the flowers, and only wished the fleeting blooms lasted longer. Whenever I pass it your name comes to mind as purple has become synonymous with you Debby.:)

  4. I did miss you last week in Good Fences - There's a little shout out to you from me on my post last Thursday in good Fences as I was thinking of you especially!
    You and hubs have created a beautiful home and garden, the lilacs are lovely!
    Hope you have a great day!

  5. Hello Debbie. your lilacs are beautiful. You do have a lovely place there, I wish i could smell your lilacs. I already told you mine are duds and not blooming. I have to put my feeders away every night due to a fat raccoon coming for a visit. Yes, I missed you but I understand! Happy Thursday, enjoy your day and weekend ahead!

  6. The scent with so many lilacs must be heavenly.

  7. Beautiful florals and fences shots ~ Of course, we missed you ~

    Happy Weekend to you ~ ^_^

  8. Well, I don't participate in the fences but I still missed you, and you know it. :)

    Love the photos, Debbie. You and hubs have such a beautiful place! xoxo

  9. It looks beautiful! Your certainly have an enchanting acre.

  10. You have a pretty garden and I am sure they are smelling good too from all the beautiful flowers.

  11. I don't do the fences hop, but I looked for you and missed you. The lilacs are gorgeous--I just wish I could smell through the computer screen! :-) I love how they've grown together too.

  12. Lovely lilacs! Ours aren't blooming yet.

  13. howdy Debbie! So glad you enjoyed my mermaid post! I sure do love to see those mermaids and wow--so does little granddaughter! love those pretty bushes you have there! Cute raccoon story---gosh that would startle me for sure!! lol

  14. howdy Debbie! So glad you enjoyed my mermaid post! I sure do love to see those mermaids and wow--so does little granddaughter! love those pretty bushes you have there! Cute raccoon story---gosh that would startle me for sure!! lol

  15. I'm loving lilacs this season too. Aren't they gorgeous in all your photos! Don't worry, that huge raccoon was probably a pregnant mama who will return to deliver all her babies under your deck. LOL

  16. I enjoy flowers, but never had any like yours. So pretty.

  17. Your lilacs are so beautiful! In my region they only begin to bloom =)
    There is a belief that if you find a five-petal lilac flower, you can make a wish and it will come true. And it is better to eat it to come true for sure =))
    Have a good day, Catherine

  18. What great shots. Gorgeous blooms. I enjoyed visiting. I'm following now! I linked a fence today too.
    Come over and visit.

  19. I love the lilac by the fence!

  20. Beautiful photos. Your yard must be like a retreat.

  21. you are having critter adventures. love your lil lilacs. :) and, yes, i missed you, dear debbie.

  22. I did miss you! We usually post together. I sure hope things have improved and this week is better. Love your beautiful flowers and nice fence too! Hugs, Diane

  23. Every time you miss a post I think about you!

  24. 111 fence shots!! Nobody can do that. You deserve a rest. or else you have to keep driving farther and farther and farther for a new fence shot...
    I adore lilacs but cannot grow them because we have too much shade.

  25. Those lilacs are just beautiful! I bet the fragrance is intoxicating. Sadly for me I sneeze when I'm around them. - By the way I did wonder what happened to you last week. I sure hope you are doing okay.

  26. Well you sure made up for it this week, all beautiful captures Debbie!

  27. These are gorgeous! Very full! Yeah, raccoons are sneaky little suckers. ;-)

  28. It must be wonderful having a handy hubby!

  29. Oh, your lilac bushes are lovely! I only have one and I must have more. I love the pictures of yours. Your yard is just beautiful. Sorry you missed the raccoon. We had one that did the same thing when we lived in Spokane, WA. I never did get a photo of him or her.
    Wow, your hubby does such a lovely job on your yard and you do the best of photos. Sending loving thoughts your way~

  30. Your Lilacs are so pretty and I love the idea of them growing together to make a fence. You had me just imagining you running around your house searching for all the right lenses and batteries, I have seen that with Greg many times, seeing something and running around getting everything ready and then it's gone, or he has totally the wrong settings on his camera. So sweet of all these animals leaving you their deposits huh :(

  31. Photographing our critters is such a trial!
