
Sunday, May 1, 2016

Allaire Village

Our favorite bike path ends at Allaire Village
a village we visit often, especially as the weather warms up.
The path "Rails to the Trails/Capital to the Coast" 
is a beautiful, paved, tree lined, flat path that is easy to ride.
The special bonus is that it ends here, at this beautiful historic village.

Last Sunday afternoon we rode the path and decided to walk around and take a few "new" images.
It was late in the day, and although I am sure it was crowded earlier,
most families had left for the day, and the village was quite empty.
Just the way I like it.

Row House & Village Museum
Can you believe I saw this newly married couple in front of the Row House taking pictures.

These are the beautiful windows and shutters on the row house.

Another view of the Row Houses...

built in 1820 and restored in 1930.

The General Store

The small pond in front of the Bakery

Village Museum

The Blast Furnace

The Blacksmith Shop

The Bakery

The Church

Afterward, we went out for dinner.
Dinner was good...

but desert was outstanding!

Sunday April 24, 2016


  1. Very picturesque! This historic place is full of charm and your photos definitely show that. Great shots Debbie. And oh what a dessert :)

  2. Hello, Debbie! Wonderful photos from your visit to this Historical village. I like the view of the rowhouses. The dessert looks delicious. Happy Sunday, enjoy your new week ahead!

  3. That looks like a very interesting village!

  4. you did find it almost empty! nice!

  5. How nice! Beautiful buildings! Love the museum and general store!

  6. Another great outing for you Debbie with lovely building and a gorgeous sweet to finish off with.

  7. Love these, Debbie. And, I really like seeing old places like that! You kind of snuck in on the wedding; hahaha

    The general store brings back some good memories for me; my aunt had one when I was a child. I loved going there!


  8. Beautiful setting and photos, Debbie and a great dinner too!...:)JP

  9. Cool place. You have the routine down. Look around a bit...then go hit the pastries.

  10. Love seeing these buildings. Very beautiful place!

  11. Those rail-to-trail bike paths are wonderful; you are so lucky to have one in your neighborhood. We rode a few of them when we were traveling (with our REAL bikes of course, not the purple tricycle I have now). And to end the ride at this historical village is even more wonderful.

  12. I really like places like this. We have one that is much smaller not far from where I live.

  13. Hello, Debbie! Happy Monday. Allaire Village looks absolutely heavenly :)

  14. I love historic villages like this. We have one near Detroit--Greenfield Village, but not in the time period of this one you went to. I have been to Sturbridge Village in MA twice--25 years apart. I have never been to Williamsburg, VA, but everyone says it is a great place. What a lovely day you had!

  15. That looks like a cute little village, that is another one we missed while living there :( Love the row houses that picture you got of them is so cool at that angle! Greg likes it better when people aren't around either, he likes the pictures without people in them :)

  16. That's so fun! I'm with you, I don't like crowds!
    Amazing these old, old buildings. Just lovely.

  17. This looks such a lovely place and how nice to have a wedding there ...

    All the best Jan

  18. Oh, my gosh I would have loved visiting this one. I love old villages that have been restored. I really like that you caught the bride and groom. As a church we have restored buildings where the church had it's beginnings in New York, Ohio and in Nauvoo, Illinois. Loved the awesome photos and the dessert was mouth watering. Hugs for you!
