
Tuesday, May 31, 2016

At Night We Walk...

Ya' know how I always say "we", and it really means "the hubs".
Well, here's another one of those moments.
He's walking at night and I sit on a bench and knit,
and I occasionally get up to take a picture.

The Brick Reservoir
A 1.6 mile walking's a beautiful place to walk or sit and knit
and watch the sunset!

Sunday, May 29, 2016

The Copilot...

It's so important in life to have a good copilot, you know what I mean?
In all aspects, you need a good the hubs, I have that.

The other day the hubs and I were heading home from dinner.
As we passed Godfrey Lake he shouted out 
"I think that was a Heron"
and before I knew it, 
he was spinning the car around, headed back.
Upon closer inspection, it was indeed a 
Great Blue Heron

I snapped this image first, you know, just in case he flew off.

Getting a little closer, I snapped again,
I didn't want to go back to the car with nothing...
after such a great spotting from the copilot.

And just as I rounded the bend and the view opened up...I saw this.
I only clicked once or twice and it took flight...
but that was enough and I was so happy as I headed back to my copilot.

I was thinking perhaps he is the pilot, me the copilot, since he is the driver...
What's that saying...
"It doesn't matter where you go in life, it's who you have beside you"
Yep, that's us...pilot, copilot, it doesn't matter, just as long as we're together!

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Saturday Critters ~ 128 ~

I finally got back to check on Momma Swan, 
whom I first found and photographed on April 16th.

I only saw one swan as we approached the lake,

and that one was in the water,

very busy preening, with Mr. Male Mallard.

I know exactly where the nest was, on an island at one end of this lake.
The nest that I saw back in April was completely open but it is now completely covered in overgrowth.
Yet, I was pretty sure I saw her in there, can you see her?

The hubs drove me around to the other side of the lake...

and sure enough, there she was!

I spent about 10 minutes watching and photographing her.
She spent most of the time tending to and fixing up her nest,
then she curled up and I assume drifted off to sleep.

Isn't nature amazing?

Sharing today's images with

Friday, May 27, 2016

A Warm Welcome

I like to keep the front door area of my home clean, clear and welcoming.
I have not had much luck with potted plants/flowers by the front door in the past,
so this year I decided to skip that and instead I purchased,

this cute little frog to welcome my guests.

After cleaning things up, 
here is the front walk, steps and the front door after I scrubbed it.
If you read my blog regularly, 
you know that Momma Robin built a nest in the wreath right on my front door,
and hatched three beautiful babies.
They have since flown the coop, 
and that my friends is why the door required scrubbing.
I also washed up the wreath and moved it from the front door 
to the little area where you see it in the picture now! 

The next part is almost unbelievable...

She came back?? 

and is building a new nest in the wreath.
 As of today, it looks like she may be done.
I am speechless but extremely happy that I moved it off the front door.

Here is a close up of the Daylilies and the white Azaleas...
it had just finished raining.

When these Azalea's fade, 

the Daylilies will be loaded with yellow flowers.

And did you happen to notice my new wind chimes?
Handmade, found at a craft show, 
are they not the perfect addition for any home at The Jersey Shore?
And they have a bonus, YeP, they sound amazing, very soft and sea-shorie!

In a day or so, I hope to get outside and prepare a picture tour of the yard, 
I am almost done planting and weeding. 
I don't want to share any more peek's of the yard until I'm finished cleaning it up and weeding.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Good Fences ~ Edition 114 ~

"Our Gateway To The Shore"

The hubs came up with that, he really liked it, as do I so I felt compelled to use it.
Now...let's get on with it as I am sharing more from the garden.
And I must add...
for me, it has been both refreshing and rewarding to be outdoors, digging and planting.

The gate to our backyard...

this part of the fence is just to the right of the gate...

Here you can see the entire entrance to the back yard,
and on a beautiful day, the gate created this cool shadow.

I showed you my Dill the other day...
I love how it looks hanging on the fence.

I also got my Parsley planted, both I started indoors.
I made this garden marker and I can tell you with no uncertainty
that I am completely addicted to making and buying these things.
And seriously, what do I need them for?
I only planted four vegetables, and they are all clearly different...
we all know what Parsley and Dill look like,
but having these markers is a must!!

Sharing today with my good friend

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Yarn Along

I have not been "procrastiKNITting"...
I have been working in the yard and tending to my gardens.

When I return to "procrastiKNITting"...
I would like to make these.
Maybe I could knit the one in the front without a pattern...I think that is just knitting.

I am joining Ginny at Small Things 
Yarn Along

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Life's A Garden...Dig It!!

I have been digging in the dirt, "not" getting my hands dirty.

You read that right folks, for the first time in my life...
I found a pair of gardening gloves that really work.
Here they are, after a full days work, I rinsed them off, and they look just like new.
They are so comfortable and they kept my hands clean and dry for an entire day of dirt digging!!
And they looked beautiful doing it!

These plant markers are a favorite also.
They are from last year and after just rinsing them off, they look brandy new!

So this is it, I present to you...
Debbie's Vegetable Garden
Everything I planted indoors in early Spring,

has been transplanted and is now living happily outdoors!
Cuc's on the left, Tomatoes on the right.
I will probably have to transplant the tomatoes, I ran out of large pots!!

Furthest left, Eggplant, the next two are Tomatoes.
I know it's a small garden, but for me, it is just right, manageable and easy to water, keeping it fun.

I am working on this colorful arrangement for out front,
but doesn't it look pretty right here on the back deck?

I have two more burlap bags to fill and hang on the fence.

I put Dill in this one and the other two will have Basil and Parsley.

I worked in the front garden as well.

Right now I am cleaning up the front, center garden,
rubber banding all of the daffodil tops, so I, the hubs, can plant the rest of the Vinca's.
If you have never done this, it is a great way to let the daffodils die off naturally, as they should
and still keep the garden tidy.

That's all for today folks, I will be sharing lots of gardening images over the next few days
as both the hubs and I have been busy, busy, busy!!

So what about you guys, how does your garden grow??!!

Monday, May 23, 2016

Getting It Done!!!

If you follow my blog, you should remember that I live on a river.
Prior to today, access to the river, on my side of the property was impossible.
The slope was covered in brush and small trees.
We left it that way because we had 2 small boys when we moved in,
leaving it natural and not accessible for safety reasons.
The neighbor to the right of me, 
Mr. Mike, has awesome steps that we could use whenever we wanted to go down to the river, 
and the boys and I always went together. 
Safety first. 
Well Mr. Mike moved and those two little boys are 32 & 33 and they don't live here anymore.
We have lovely new neighbors but I was not comfortable asking them if I could use their stairs. 

So this happened, 
because the hubs wants me to be able to get down there...
there is a lot for me to see and photograph down by the river.

The neighbors were all thrilled and Mr. Gray house man,
at the end of the cul-de-sac,
said bring the machine down on my property,
I have a side driveway and it will be easier for you to get down to the river via my property.
How kind of Mr. Gray house man, he has not lived here long,
and we had never even met him.

It is a wonderful little street on which we live, only 6 of us.

We did well getting it down there, everything went smoothly!

The Bull-dozer is ours, 
before retiring, for 35 years, the hubs did site work and underground utilities,
he kept most of the equipment.

And here he is operating it, the man has skills.

He worked all day on Saturday and finished just before the rain started.
You can see my neighbor Bill's property on the left side,
now he is the only neighbor remaining that has not cleared his property down to the river.

The sod is coming next week and our lawn maintenance company will install it. 
The jet ski down bottom belongs to my new neighbor to the right,
the hubs gave him permission to park it on our property.
I'm not sure why he doesn't park it on his own property but perhaps he will now.
The grass that's already down there, on our side, Mr. Mike planted,
he used that patch of property as well and we used his steps.
The trees to the right, 
hug the property line and give a good sense of what is ours.
We are a friendly group.

And this is going to be a great spot for sledding this winter, 
once it's done...I can't wait!!

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Saturday Critters ~ 127 ~

I had so much fun on my photo shoot with this darling little 
Male House Finch
He made me work for it, 
playing hard to get at first but with a little persistence, he came around.

Yep, I don't know if he could be any sweeter!!

Sharing today's images with