
Saturday, March 19, 2016

Saturday Critters ~ 118 ~

Last Thursday, during our bike ride on Spring Lake, Chuck spotted a Mockingbird singing in a tree.
This photo shoot involved stopping the bike, spinning it around, 
going back and switching the lens...
I never thought the bird would stay put and continue singing...but it did.

As it sang, the neck feathers moved but it's little beak never opened.

I rarely see Mockingbirds in the yard and never noticed how beautiful their song is.
I took 63 pictures of this Mockingbird,
he/she never stopped singing and never flew off.
I was so surprised as I was so very close to him/her.

And the hubs sat patiently as well, he never says a word, and he never rushes me.

Sharing today's images with


  1. Well done Debbie. These photos made the quick turn around well worth it.

  2. Oh wow! How special Debbie! These are glorious photos!

  3. Lovely photo's ... and I can hear the bird-song too ... well almost!
    I think he/she looks very proud posing there for you.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    All the best Jan

  4. love the mockers. in spring their song rings out like nothing else around here.

  5. I hear these charmers quite often. Good shots.

  6. Good morning, Debbie! These are fabulous Mockingbird photos. I am so glad he/she was so copperative for you. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. I hope the snow does not stick around. Have a happy weekend!

  7. That sounds like me! I just keep taking never know which one will turn out best! What a happy bird! Hugs, Diane

  8. Wow, these photos are precious, and from the first one, heat tilted high, I can hear a beautiful song!

  9. I meant to type Head not heat! Hehehe! Have a great weekend.

  10. That 4th shot is wonderful, with the blue sky, perfect look at her eye.

    Mockingbirds are one of most populous birds in my neighborhood. Early, as the sun rises, love to stand out and listen to them going on about things. So beautiful.

  11. Oh, how lovely Debbie! We don't get them here, but wish we did.Those last two shots are beautiful,..don't blame you for taking so many of them. Enjoy your weekend!:)

  12. Gorgeous shots of the mockingbird and what a delightful experience for all concerned ~ nice hubby being so patient ~

    Happy Weekend to you ~ ^_^

  13. Nice pictures, is very handsome.
    Debbie good weekend.

  14. We were just enjoying a little wren singing outside our window today, same tune, over and over...and then this is the first blog post I read this a.m., how cool is that?

    Sounds like you are married to a great guy!!!

    Hugs Debbie and happy weekend, G

  15. What a beautiful creature, Debbie.
    I just love their song.
    These photographs are really fantastic!

  16. How lucky were you to have the perfect model! Such beautiful shots of this gorgeous Mockingbird. Have a lovely weekend :)

  17. Lovely shots. These birds do have a beautiful and varied song.

  18. I think you did such amazing work capturing it. I am always amazed that all of that sound can come from such a small bird. The ones here do the alarm on cars and houses. It always makes me smile to hear them.

  19. Wow- that was amazing to see I imagine. I rarely have a bird sit still for me!

  20. Now that's a real gift for him to pose for you so beautifully, and so close. And a gift for us because your photos are wonderful! I don't remember hearing a mockingbird sing. They rarely visit me any more. I used to have one at the feeders all the time for years, and then no more. Not sure why but I occasionally see them when I am roundandabout and going further south. That may be it, south!

  21. You manage to find the best birds to take photos of and just the thought of the bird singing brings a smile. Blessings and hugs for you both. I love how your husband is always there to assist you; awesome~

  22. He was singing just for you because he loves you! :)


  23. Hi Debbie - Happy Spring to you! Your photos of the Mockingbird are awesome!! Your hubs sounds just like mine: Patiently waits until I'm finished with my photo sessions.

  24. Gorgeous photos! We have mockingbirds around most of the year.

  25. Great photos. I have never heard or seen a mockingbird. I do however know what it is like to have an amazing husband. Kudos to you.

  26. Beautiful pictures, I love the one you got of his neck while singing. I tried for the first time yesterday to capture pictures of birds when we went to the botanical garden and it isn't easy, that was so nice of him to sit still for you like that... and your hubby too :) I am so use to standing very still while Greg tries to get his shots :)

  27. Such gorgeous mockingbird photos! I'm glad he stayed put for you!
