
Sunday, March 6, 2016

Another Snow Day...

First my crocus bloomed, 

then it snowed.
Yes on March 4th, 2016 we received about 4 inches of snow here at the Jersey Shore.
It's not totally unheard of...
to have to brush the snow off of the crocus just to see them.
But when they bloomed, it was beautiful outside.
We had four straight days of beautiful, springlike temperatures.
Then this happened in the backyard...

and here in the front yard.
It never stuck to the road or driveway, just grassy areas.

Another snow day, no cleanup required!!


  1. Newly fallen snow is so very pretty, but I would prefer to have crocuses!

  2. So much snow again - but that crocus is beautiful.

    All the best Jan

  3. So much snow again - but that crocus is beautiful.

    All the best Jan

  4. Good morning, Debbie. This is the best kind of snow for me. It does not stick to the roads, only on the trees and bushes. It looks so pretty. I love your crocus. Happy Sunday, enjoy your new week!

  5. Looks like one of those beautiful sticky snowfalls that make such nice pictures. That 2nnd last one is stunning!

  6. Hi Debbie!:) These are beautiful pictures, and lovely macro shots of the crocuses and heaped snow. The weather conditions are so unpredictable these days. Here, one day it's sunny and springlike, and the next it's pouring down with rain with a rapid drop in temperature. Crazy!! Debbie, I have only just noticed that I am not a membour of your blog, so I'm going to rectify that right now.:)

  7. Both the crocuses and fresh snow on the trees and grass are beautiful. Over here, I am sweating in front of my computer.

  8. Absolutely beautiful. Spring and winter!

  9. holy moly

    we have 4inches here to...but it's pollen. Couldn't see out my windshield when I got in my truck yesterday.

  10. Its beautiful Debbie, I love your purple crocuses. I love how it just looks like a winter wonderland in your yard.
    Have a lovely day.

  11. Again?? And this late in the winter??
    I'm sure it will be gone in no time, but it sure is beautiful now.

  12. Two in one? Spring and winter?
    Great pictures.
    Have a nice week.

  13. It looks pretty...but cold...and i don't want any...:)

  14. It's very pretty and the best kind (that doesn't stick around and make miseries). Have a blessed Sunday!

  15. That snow is beautiful.As much as I'm waiting for spring,I would welcome a good snowfall.We need the moisture so bad.

  16. Such wonderful pictures, Debbie! The crocus is so beautiful! Thanks for sharing this post with us!
    Wishing you a fabulous week!
    Hugs and love from Portugal,
    Ana Love Craft

  17. Beautiful! I had no idea you guys got more snow. We've been very mild here.

  18. Your snow is so fresh and lean looking. Ours is dingy and done. Enjoy it while you can.

  19. Lovely Crocus....sorry to see the snow. The weather is so unpredictable at this stage of the year.

  20. Beautiful, even if it is a bit late! xx Karen

  21. A bummer after the nice temps but boy was it Beautiful!! When out for a walk yesterday we saw some green leaves popping up in the field but no flowers yet, getting excited!!

  22. Crocuses are beautiful photographed in the snow as well...did yoy get any like that? Reminds me of the lyrics in an old Barbara Streisand song" like a rose under the april snow". Think the song was "evergreen"? About 1976 or 1977? Do you remember. The movie was ' a star is born'

  23. Beautiful! I wish it would snow here one more time, but I don't believe that's going to happen! It's a nice snow when you can get around and still enjoy the beauty!

  24. Oh, I see graphics on this one. I loved the black and white look of the snow ones. The first and last ones really caught my eye. Hugs for this one~

  25. Pretty little flowers. The snow is beautiful, but it's so hard to see it once flowers bloom. That's a real bonus, when it doesn't stick to the road/sidewalks - a kinder, gentler snow!
