
Friday, February 26, 2016

Send Me An Ark...

We sure have been getting a lot of rain, copious amounts of rain.
Pouring, pounding, driving rain.
I like when it rains, we had a lot of lighting and I don't mind that either.
I don't have any trouble occupying myself indoors...
though looking back on an entire day, I often have no idea what I have done.

I don't usually photograph the birds when it's raining.
But I thought of it as a challenge and wondered what kind of images I would get,
during a dark, gloomy, rainy day.

My first photo session was with Mr. House Finch...

He was soaked but very cooperative.

Next up was Mrs. House Finch, she was uncooperative and I only got one good image,
but it was nice to actually see the rain in the image.

Next was my Yellow Rumped Warbler...

looking very beautiful and happy to pose.

The ground is soaked but the leaves are a pretty, shiny shade of brown.
And our grass is still green due to our mild winter.


  1. Good morning, we had a lot of rain too. Your poor birdies look soaked. I love the YR Warbler. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  2. Every bird I see IS MY FAVORITE

    lovely shots. kudos

  3. We have rain but the weather is still very hot here. Love your birds photos.

  4. Debbie
    Your perfect pictures should be on photographic exhibition.
    They are excellent.
    Have a good weekend for you and your husband:)

  5. It's not easy to photograph when there is rain - but these shots are amazing.

    Enjoy your Friday and all good wishes for the coming weekend.
    I can't believe it's the last day of February on Monday!

    All the best Jan

  6. And we have just celebrated our first rain in several weeks. Stay on high ground. Great pictures.

  7. Those first couple of photos you can just tell he/she is thinking, what is that falling on my head? Oh it's, Raindrops are falling on my head they keep falling!

  8. Oh my, you can even take brilliant photos in the rain!!:) Well done Debbie, they are all beautiful. You only got one image of Mrs House Finch but it's a fabulous one.
    Have a great weekend!:)

  9. Well you certainly did a great job with the photos. I love the fourth one where you can see the rain falling. We got a thunderstorm - quite a rare event for February in NJ.

  10. I love that first picture, and that finch looking up as if to say," turn off the waterworks." Amazing shots. I love that one of the rain in the background. You got just incredible shots Debbie. I have been trying to capture the birds here and not having much luck, but yours are just incredible. I have lots of days like that, I couldn't tell you what I did at the end of the day. :) Have a lovely Friday

  11. Rain rain go away but do not worry Debbie will capture the best parts of you before you leave :) Hug B

  12. Poor little birds. Couldn't you knit little rain caps for them? ;-) Great photos, Debbie. I enjoyed seeing your fine feathered friends.

  13. Hey those bird shots turned out great. Looks like you caught them justttt as they stepped out of the shower! :-)

  14. One nice thing about rainy days is that there is not harsh light and shadows to spoil your photos. Very nice captures of the little finches!

  15. they are cute soggy little things.

  16. Don't ignore the rain! Bad weather can make beautiful photos. These are great! Love the female finch - the combination of rain and bokeh is so nice!

  17. Rain rain go away..come again another day. Poor bird soaking wet.

  18. You get such fantastic pictures!! I love then all

  19. Woow ... I love the first Debbie, it is very cute with that face, color !!
    Good weekend.

  20. Great shots, you don't often see pictures of their feathers a little ruffled like that. Our grass is greening up nicely too for this time of year, just crazy isn't it.
    I am with you, I can keep busy all day doing this and that and at the end say now what did I accomplish today, but as long as I am happy it doesn't matter :)

  21. I love the little ruffled feathers! Wonderful captures of your birds!!

  22. Wow, I truly love your bird photos. You always seem to capture just the right moment and the right angle for a great picture. Hugs for these~

  23. You got great shots, even in the rain. I'd loan you our ark, but I'm afraid we'll need it! How about we sail by and pick you up?
