
Monday, February 15, 2016

All Blow and No Snow..

Or is it all "Blow and No Show??
Right after our big snow last week,
the forecaster's once again predicted three days of snow at the Jersey Shore.
Here's what three days of snow looks likes...

Beautiful...and no clean-up required!!
Those weather peeps sure are having a lot of trouble getting the forecast right.


  1. Good morning, Debbie! I do not mind the little bits of snow. It looks beautiful on the hydrangea. You do have gorgeous views from your yard. Happy Monday, enjoy your day!

  2. Awwww...those lovely macro shots urges me to change lenses, and get out there. Especially with things budding here.

  3. Your photo's are always amazing, Debbie, and these are no exception. :)

  4. We're supposed to get some more soon!
    (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  5. Good for you! It's beginning to look a lot like a thaw around there!

  6. My husbands sentiments exactly! Hugs!

  7. Beautiful photos! I must say that's not very impressive for three days of snow. ;-)

  8. Very beautiful; if I had to have snow, that's the kind I'd want. Hydrangea plants are so amazing to me -- they look beautiful all the time, even withered and brown. So purty!

  9. I love your home/yard! Hope you haven't suffered with the winter winds/snow/rain/water.

  10. Just enough for some very pretty pictures.

  11. Our forecast has been going up and down so much you don't know what to expect!

  12. The weather forecasters get it wrong here a lot. We were suppose to have snow yesterday but it was mainly sleet and rain. No matter what you take a pictures of they are always lovely. Your close up ones are fantastic. Hugs~

  13. Weather peeps do not always get it right!
    I always think it's easier to look out of the window!

    Great photo's here, thank you.

    Good wishes for the week ahead - can't believe it's Tuesday already.

    All the best Jan

  14. I love the pics where the snow looks like little crystals on the branches so pretty, It amazes me how quick the snow can melt after getting so much. Yep our guys get it wrong every now and then too, but that is one I would be happy about.... I am ready for spring and the temps are going to be spring like starting Thursday here :)

  15. I could live with that kind of snow! Your photos are very pretty.
