
Sunday, November 1, 2015

Mother Nature Decorates the Landscape...

is another beautiful park here at the Jersey Shore,
located in Howell, NJ, only a few minutes from home.

The reservoir supplies water for Monmouth County
from the Manasquan River,
up to 30 million gallons of water per day.
They offer boating, fishing, boat rentals, boat tours, playgrounds
and a 5 mile riding, walking, jogging trail.

On this day, the trees were the star of the show.

 There was a picnic here...

Mother Nature...decorating the path.
Have a beautiful Sunday!

October 30, 2015


  1. Good morning, Debbie. what a beautiful show. The colors and trees are just gorgeous! This has been a colorful fall. Happy Sunday, enjoy your day!

  2. Spectacular photos. I would love to walk down those leaf strewn paths.

  3. I love the gorgeous autumn colours!

  4. Such beautiful colors. Thank you for sharing, Debbie. We don't see much here. :)

  5. Such wonderful colors.

    We missed that this year since drought took our colors.

  6. Hello Darling Debbie!
    Autumn is a great painter.
    Debbie, Your photos are fantastic.
    Have a nice week.

  7. Just lovely photo's you share with us ... the colours are amazing.

    Happy November Wishes

    All the best Jan

  8. Just lovely photo's you share with us ... the colours are amazing.

    Happy November Wishes

    All the best Jan

  9. I love to see autumn color and you have so much! Thanks for sharing.

  10. Of course, I love all these lovely autumn photos. They brightened my day; they are fantastic. I love the brilliant colors.
    With our mission I may not be able to read very often; but you are a favorite so I will be in as often as possible.
    Sending hugs your way!

  11. I wish I could walk right through my computer screen and right into your photos! I would have such a good time!

  12. Good morning from Portugal Debbie:)Your photos are so beautiful. What an absolute pleasure to see such a magnificent show of fall colour in what looks like a lovely park.

  13. Oh my gosh, those are some bright and beautiful pictures there! Love the one of the path strewn with all the leaves. You have such beautiful scenery there! I'm so glad you share it!

  14. Always comes back, Debbie, and more and better their gifts ;) Beautiful photos.

  15. It certainly turned out to be a pretty autumn here in the NJ. At the beginning of the season, I wasn't too sure it would be as nice. I've noticed more yellows this year than in the past. Even our oak trees, which normally turn just brown, are orange and yellow.

  16. Looks like another beautiful walking area, don't you just love the sounds of the crunchy leaves under your feet. Love the deep orange color you captured!

  17. Oh my, love is in the air! What a wonderful place to visit and picnic!

  18. Fabulous Fall Foliage. What a grand place to enjoy a picnic and all that lovely color.

  19. My fav time of the yr. I love the fall colors. I am a dark clothes person anyway so with fall I can wear those cool colors!
