
Tuesday, October 20, 2015

How Did Your Garden Grow...

As I reflect on this year's garden, I have a lot of mixed thoughts.
It grew beautifully and I had some huge, healthy looking plants.

We had some triumphs and some tribulations.
First the triumphs were the tomatoes.
The plants were healthy, we got a lot of tomatoes

and they were delicious.

Not big, but really nice, no cracks and they tasted so good.

There were no other real success stories.

 We only got a few cucumbers, where last year we got 2 per day.

 I only had a few eggplants, no carrots and no potatoes.
Well, I did get one potato,

 we did not bother to cook it (that's a haha),
I was sooooo disappointed.

And here's a peek at the carrots we harvested...

on October 15th.
We were going to eat them for the fun of it,
but they had way too many "hairs" so that was an "I don't think so"!

And for those of you wondering,
the straw garden was a complete bust.
I have visited the garden center where I took the class
and theirs did not grow well either.
More research on that, another day.

But do tell, how did your garden grow this year?!


  1. Our flowers did great this year! I didn't grow anything to eat but did have my first herb garden, and I so enjoyed that. Some of it is still growing. That chicken dinner looks delicious!! And oh my gosh, I live on BLTs in the summer, any reason really....just love them! Looks like you do too!

  2. any "SEASON" REALLY. ha ha works either way I guess, ha

  3. any "SEASON" REALLY. ha ha works either way I guess, ha

  4. Our flowers did great this year! I didn't grow anything to eat but did have my first herb garden, and I so enjoyed that. Some of it is still growing. That chicken dinner looks delicious!! And oh my gosh, I live on BLTs in the summer, any reason really....just love them! Looks like you do too!

  5. Our tomatoes were great this year too.

  6. Too bad the strawbale experiment didn't work. I was curious about it.
    I had the most amazing spring and early summer garden. But then some serious issues with care for the elders took me indoors and left the garden in a shambles. The good news is that all that canning and freezing I did early is now feeding those elders good food when they need it most.
    And I too am the world's worst carrot grower!

  7. Hello Debbie. I got home from the beach to find that sweet and lovely card from you. It just made me smile from ear to ear!! Thank you for taking the time out to do that!

    With my apartment living I have no garden but did grow a sweet pepper plant in a pot. And, I had one large red pepper and a lot of smaller ones. It was such fun to see them growing on my balcony. Sorry your garden did not do well. Those tomatoes look fantastic. Good job.

  8. It's funny how things differ from year to year. We also had a bumper crop of tomatoes, when in past summers, we've had very little. Our peppers and string beans did well too. The zucchini was so-so, and the cucumbers a bust. Last year we had cucumbers galore. Go figure. Can't wait to see what happens next year.

  9. We have downsized our garden. We usually make a salad garden and then share the greens we plant later with the deer. Our tomatoes, radishes, onions and cucumbers were outstanding and quite prolific. The watermelons were enjoyed by the deer and the ground hog.

  10. Debbie
    Your tomatoes and eggplants are beautiful.
    Carrots me too much waste.

  11. had hoped your potato sack would be a great thing! bummer.

  12. It's funny how every year I too have the success and the not so hot stories. I skipped my in-ground garden this year and did planters too, and had the best harvest from my plants inside my small greenhouse, and I'm still getting some tomatoes growing! But I fear our frost is soon going to do away with them as well.

  13. Yours did much better than mine since I didn't make one! The tomatoes look so good though, Debbie. :)


  14. The vegetables that did make it look good! I like to slice up a tomato, add some pepper, and chow down!

  15. Well, it didn't grow very well! The tomatoes all turned brown and died in 24 hours, just as the green tomatoes were about to turn red. The groundhogs ate the lettuce. We only got a few beans and zuchini.

  16. Your garden did a lot better than mine Debbie, only because I didn't have one :) A lot of our garden is always in shade due to the big trees we have in it. Something to think about if ever we buy another house one day and I am not sure we will at this stage of the game. Those tomatoes looked wonderful, as did your cucumber and even the eggplant looked so pretty. As the the rest, well, as I said, you did a lot better than me :) Have a great day!

  17. Our Green peppers did produce but not as much as years past. The Green Beans did pretty good too and those were planted by seed in a big pot, I even had to freeze a few bags of them because we couldn't eat them fast enough. We also bought a Stevia plant that grew to be about 3 1/2 feet tall, I have been sharing the plant with the girls at church that like to use it and they have already dried it, I still haven't done it myself but I need to before the frost gets it too bad.

  18. We harvested a lot of Zucchini which grow well. I didn't pick some early so I had some huge ones. I have even given some of it away. I also have had fairly good tomatoes. The peppers were kind of misshapen. I guess you can say some success and some not; kind of like yours. Your tomatoes looked so good. I did love trying the deck garden and we will do it next year too. Thanks for your influence in getting me going on our garden this year. You are the best! Hugs~

  19. Your garden "triumphs" were wonderful! Look like healthy, delicious veggies! Wish I could do that here! :(

  20. I think your garden did well and those eggplants look wonderful, one of my favourites ...

    All the best Jan

  21. I think your garden did well and those eggplants look wonderful, one of my favourites ...

    All the best Jan
