
Thursday, September 3, 2015

Good Fences ~ Edition 76 ~

 I think I could live here,

 in this gorgeous apartment complex in Weehawken, NJ.

 With this view of the New York City skyline, the Freedom Tower,

and the Empire State Building!!

By this busy port where the ferry comes and goes.

 And right across the street, my favorite restaurant in the whole wide world.
Where the steaks are so good you forget to take pictures.

This was desert...
I don't even like cheesecake but this was amazing!!

This adventure was Mike's birthday dinner...
and we went to my favorite restaurant...with a view like no other.
I'm a tricky, dicky!!

Sharing images taken on September 2nd with
for Good Fences, I'm pretty sure the gate counts!! 


  1. Beautiful photo's, but I'd rather live where you do. So pretty there. :)

    Glad your son had a great birthday!


  2. Beautiful scenes Debbie. Well you can't say you don't like cheese cake now!! Too busy fr me, I am happy whereI am.

  3. Hello, Debbie. looks like an awesome outing for your son's birthday! I love cheesecake, yum! Great photos, enjoy your day!

  4. Nice birthday dinner. Would be a nice place to live if I wasn't such a country girl.

  5. i like that apartment entrance. you go, city girl!

  6. Who doesn't love cheesecake? I hope you're converted now

  7. Who doesn't love cheesecake? I hope you're converted now

  8. Who doesn't love cheesecake? I hope you're converted now

  9. Wonderful photos! Save me a spot in that gorgeous apartment complex! I've never been to a Ruth's Chris steakhouse. Nice to get a recommendation. I'm a fan of cheesecake for sure.

  10. I wouldn't turn that down either -- the apartment or the cheesecake.

  11. I WILL make it back to the city with a camera. :O]

  12. Stunning views! You certainly had a wonderful day and I couldn't interrupt eating steak just to take photos!LOL!
    The cheesecake is pretty and I guess very scrummy too!
    Have a lovely day!

  13. Wow! Fantastic view! I'd be afraid to ask what the rent is for one of those apartments.

  14. What lovely shots Debbie, Very cool indeed.

  15. That's quite a fancy looking apartment complex. - The views are fabulous! What you don't like cheesecake....shocking. That one is delicious looking for sure.

  16. I used to live less than 20 blocks down the street from the Empire State Building.

    Keens Steakhouse is a great place, too!

  17. I loved the sweet post on your son. He is very handsome. My husband is a pharmacist too. Of course, now he is retired.
    I loved the pictures and the New York skyline. I was in New Jersey once briefly. I didn't get out much because I came with my husband while he was on a work trip. We did eat at that restaurant and it does have the best of steaks as I recall. A perfect place to celebrate a birthday! Hugs~

  18. Sounds like you all had a great time celebrating Mike's birthday, so glad he was able to come up and share that time with you. Our daughter and son in law are in North Carolina right now also studying at Duke University, this is their last year and hopefully they will be moving back to our area, we will see what happens. Enjoy your time with your son, I know how precious that is when they live so far away!

  19. Hi Debbie,
    That is a great entrance to that apartment complex. Looked like a great celebration for your Mike's birthday. Have a great weekend.

  20. So glad you had such a great time with Mike! Those views from the apartment are beautiful, but the steps would kill me!!

  21. Belated Happy Birthday Wishes to Mike ... so lovely to read in your last post.

    Great pictures in this post - just love the look of your dessert!

    All the best Jan
