
Sunday, August 16, 2015

Shore Flicks ~ ET ~

Here at the Jersey Shore, 
Shore Flicks hosts outdoor summer movies, all summer long.
At the beach or in a park, movies are free and begin just after sunset.
Each summer, we try to go to a few...most of the movies we have seen,
but it sure is fun to sit outside, eat some popcorn under the stars 
and watch a flick.

We have seen Jaws on the beach, more times than I care to admit.
We will be skipping Jaws this year.
Friday night, we watched ET - The Extraterrestrial at 
Blackberry Bay Park, in Oceanport. 

 We always arrive way to early.
Can you see Chuck spreading our blanket, just to the right of the screen,
and positioning our chairs??

 Here he is evaluating our seats, 
I think they were the best seats in the park.

I love this movie,

 perhaps because of the ride they have at Universal Studio's
I have ridden that ride about 100 times.

 We ate lot's of snacks and cheered for ET to find his way home.

And if you have seen the movie, you know ET goes home.

One more thing crossed off that summer bucket list.
This is a great way to spent a Summer Evening,
and the weather was perfect.

The sky was filled with stars, it was so cool you needed a light jacket,
but my company was the best part of all.
The movie wasn't bad either!!


  1. Now, that sounds a fun evening.

    ET a good film to watch, and in the best company ever!

    Happy Sunday

    All the best Jan

  2. Lucky you. Watching all those classic movies.

  3. Good morning, Denise. the outdoor movie looks like a fun date night. And I love the movie ET, one of my favorites. Now it's time to fly a kite or play some mini golf. Happy Sunday, enjoy new week ahead!

  4. Este tipo de cine al aire libre, me trae muchos recuerdos de mi infancia aquí en Sevilla, se llamaban "Cines de Verano", lo había en todos los barrios de la ciudad, y hoy en día solamente quedan uno. Sus muros estaban cubierto de unas plantas llamadas jazmines, que desprendían un olor maravilloso, y veías las películas acompañado de una buena cerveza y unos tomates aliñados. ¡Que tiempos tan bonitos, aquellos!.
    Gracias por compartir
    Un cordial saludo desde Sevilla.

    1. I translated this kind comment.......This kind of open-air cinema, brings back many memories of my childhood here in Seville, "Summer Cinema" were called, he had in all neighborhoods of the city, and today only get one. Its walls were covered with some calls jasmine plants, which gave off a wonderful smell, and saw movies accompanied by a good beer and a seasoned tomatoes.That time so beautiful, those !.
      Thanks for sharing
      Greetings from Sevilla.

  5. ❤ه° ·.
    Esse é um filme que podemos ver inúmeras vezes!...
    Assisti-lo olhando as estrelas, melhor ainda!

    Bom domingo!
    °ه✿♫ Boa semana!
    °ه✿ Beijinhos.
    ºه✿✿ ♫° ·.

  6. Oh how cool is this, outdoor movies are the best fun! E.T. is one of my favorites too, and I've been on that ride there too, just not 100 times!

  7. ET -- one of my favorites! When I was young, we had Friday night movies outside. We all brought our snacks, and we enjoyed the flicks!

  8. Those shots of ET are a bit scaary butI amsure you enjoyed the film

  9. How fun is that! Sure takes me back about l00 years. :)


  10. What a fun evening, and like you, I just LOVE ET. :-)

  11. Looks like a perfect, summer evening to me.

  12. What a lovely way to spend a summer evening. It's always better to arrive early, I'd prefer waiting than compromising a good spot.

  13. How fun, we have a driven in town but the nights my hubby was off work it was just to hot and humid even on the weekend. The farm not to far away from us has free concerts on the weekend but we haven't made it to one of those either ;( Yep good company sure makes everything better doesn't it. Looks like you are dwindling down that bucket list and you have a few more weeks to go

  14. I so love the things that you two do. I especially like your bucket list. I am want to be just like you and have the same kind of fun. Blessings and hugs for the smiles today~
