
Saturday, August 29, 2015

Saturday Critters ~ 89 ~

A walk around the yard this morning, camera in hand,
did not disappoint in my quest for today's critter.

I knew what I was looking for and I was sure that I would find them.

Let me share with you...
The Pollinators

busy bees on my Rose of Sharon

Sharing images taken on August 29th 2015 with
Eileen at Viewing Nature With Eileen


  1. Great photos. I love these pollinators and the beautiful flower.

  2. Beautiful macro shots! love the bee and the flowers!

    Happy Weekend to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  3. How can he fly, so loaded down?
    Beautiful, amazing photos!

  4. Amazing! I can't believe how clear these photos are, my friend. Happy weekend!

  5. Such lovely photo's! He was quite busy, I'd say. There's a yellow butterfly that seems to keep coming back to our Mexican petunia's; of course I never have my camera. :)


  6. wow! Debbie I ahve never seen as much pollen on ione Bee. Amazing images. Have a wonderful weekend.

  7. Very nice! He's almost covered up!

  8. Hello Debbie, these are awesome macros of the bees. They must be super happy there with your lovely flowers. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!

  9. There are so many things I LOVE about these..... but I think my favorite bit is the shadows you caught!!

  10. Wow! Debbie you really got close up and caught him laden down! A case of excess baggage perhaps! LOL!

  11. What great shots!!! That is so good. What a wonderful working bee.
    It made me want to giggle because it was so covered in pollen.

  12. Now that bee really is a pollinator!

  13. Wow, spectacular shots of that busy bee. In fact, I have never seen any quite like these. Blessings and hugs!

  14. Those photos are amazing! I have never seen pollen stick like that! Great photos.

  15. Excelente serie. Es impresionante ver esa abeja con su cuerpo impregnado de polen.
    Si algún día desaparecieran estos insectos, a los seres humanos nos quedaría muy poco tiempo, para desaparecer de la faz de la tierra. Por esto mismo es muy importante un gran control sobre pesticidas e insecticidas agrarios.
    Enhorabuena por las fotos.
    Un saludo desde Sevilla.

    1. translated - Excellent series. It is impressive to see that bee pollen with their impregnated body.
      If these insects disappear someday, human beings would be little time to disappear from the face of the earth. That is also very important great control over agricultural pesticides and insecticides.
      Congratulations on the photos.
      Greetings from Sevilla.

  16. Fabulous photos! The bee is almost covered in pollen.

  17. Lots of work going on, so glad you noticed. Enjoy your Sunday!!!

  18. Ahhh, you caught them doing their thing!!

  19. Wow ... that is a serious amount of pollen.
    Great photo's.

    All the best Jan

  20. Wow how cool to capture the bee that full of the pollen, I don't think I have ever seen them that full. My hubby got some cool shots of a grasshopper crawling up our french doors through the window, made me realize how dirty my windows are, LOL!

  21. Hello Dear Debbie!
    I am very happy that you remember me.
    Thank you very much.
    I send greetings to your husband and for you ..

  22. Now that's a bunch of pollen! Awesome bee/flower shots for sure.
