
Thursday, July 2, 2015

Good Fences ~ Edition 67 ~

The Amazing Race
The hubs and I love the television show The Amazing Race

While we were in Lancaster we decided to have our own version of that 
adventure when we discovered that there were 
23 covered bridges in the area.

Our mission, as we decided to create it,
was to find and photograph as many covered bridges as we could,
without being eliminated.....
hehehe, you have to watch the show to understand that last line!

We had a map and decided there were not going to be any road blocks!
(you have to know the show)

Bridge Number 1

Bridge Number 2

Bridge Number 3

Bridge Number 4

This last one was a re-creation, decorative covered bridge,
in a shopping center.

All the bridges started to look the same, we were tired,
so we decided to start the 2 plus hour ride home.

This was a really fun trip, Lancaster Pa., is an especially beautiful area.
If you have never been, I recommend seeing it and learning
about the Amish Community that lives there.

It's good to be home!!

Sharing these images taken on June 25th in Lancaster, Pa. with 
for Good Fences
Stop by and consider joining in the fun, any fence or gate will do!


  1. Love the 'Herr's' bridge.
    Lancaster - a favorite place.
    Pretzels anyone?
    We have a covered bridge in our area I plan to feature one day.

  2. Good call on none of those road blocks:). Oh theses are beautiful. And the racing couple are so cute. I will be thinking of this race when I start watching the Canadian version of this show on next week and certainly thinking of you two.Hugs B

  3. Good morning, Debbie. I love this post and all the pretty covered bridges. I have watched the Amazing Race, it is a fun show. Next time I am in the Lancaster area I will have to look for some covered bridges. Beautiful fences and photos. Enjoy your day and have a happy 4th of July!

  4. You were definitely not eliminated!! You two have so much fun together! I love the old covered bridges!

  5. I don't think I have ever seen a covered bridge here in south Texas. I find them very interesting. Thanks for sharing your pictures.

  6. Love that area - and really love covered bridges! Great catch on the initials...most good old country bridges have some!

  7. Well now. That is something different with you posing on the bridge. Saturday Night Fever strikes Amish country. Ya? LOL!

  8. you had me at covered bridge, Debbie .. the hubby & I love visiting them. what fun. love all the candid shots. if you are in the right area of the USA you can find tons. what a fun challenge. ( :

  9. What fun, (and it's a great show too) we don't have as many here in Minnesota, but there's one not too far away from me. I especially like the style of that last bridge, it's very unique! Enjoy your 4th of July celebrations with your hubby, I know you'll have a blast.

  10. oh, you made me laugh with the john travolta pose! :) these are all beauties (you and chuck included.) glad you had a little 'amazing' adventure. the bridges are so cool.

  11. Loved the smiles, of course. you know the purpose of a 'covered' bridge? Just aesthetics?

  12. I have heard of all these bridges, but never saw them. Really enjoyed them through your lens.

  13. I've been to bridge #2!!! Such beautiful countryside in PA.

  14. I think you won the race, even though you stopped early. I mean, like you say, they were all beginning to look alike but the best thing of all was the fun you had planning and executing the race. Good job.

  15. Great pictures. Have been in that area and it is truly beautiful.

  16. Great, great pictures and Whooo Hoot to the lovely couple.

  17. Better than the television version! Who knew that town had so many bridges? Great photos. :)


  18. beautiful many in one area! cute picture of you...i've never watched the show...when i was a kid we had a fast food chicken place called "picnic n chicken" and you drove through a little covered bridge to get to the pick up window, i loved it!

  19. Have you put cut your name in the bridge also? I know that yours and Hubs name should fit in very well in some of the bridge.
    Very nice picture on both of you ☆ ☺

  20. I finally got to read all your posts! Love that yarn shop and all your purchases. That shawl will be on your needles soon, I'm sure! Don't you love Lancaster? It's such a pretty area, with all the quaintness of country living! Your bridges were great, too! Glad you had such a great time, including the balloon ride!

  21. Love it! Were you doing a happy dance? Have a great weekend. Hugs!

  22. Schöne Bauwerke Brücken mit Dach habe ich hier bei uns noch nicht gesehen.


  23. Oh wow Debbie look at you all high spirited great photos. I've never seen the show the Amazing race but have seen the movie The Bridges of Madison County. I've drove threw Pennsylvania alot heading for Michigan all I can remember is the cooler temps & the beautiful mountains.

    1. I love the amazing race, it's such a fun and exciting show!! Pa. Is awesome, beautiful, rural country!!

  24. I've watched Amazing Race a few times (especially when the Cowboys Jett & Cord were on it) and enjoy the show most of the time. - Your race sounded fun too and wow you captured some lovely covered bridges and fences. You guys have the best adventures.

  25. Oh! Debbie how beautiful are these and what a lovely day out. I have no idea about the Amazing Race but I watch 'The Bridges of Maddison County every Valentines day! I dream of seeing a covered bridge irl. Thank you for all these beautiful pictures.

  26. Don't know the show, but I love the bridges! Nice job! I think you won!

  27. Fantastic bridges! Covered bridges are quite rare here. Looks like you had a great time playing your "game"!

  28. I've always wanted to see a covered bridge...maybe seeing Clint Eastwood and his camera...LOL

  29. Great covered bridge pictures. I've been to Lancaster and it is a beautiful place to visit!!

  30. Wow cool collection. You must have had great fun! Thanks for sharing.

  31. I love seeing these kinds of bridges and it was wonderful seeing more aspects than just the outside of it. Thanks Debbie

  32. Wow so many great bridge photos!!!! Great job!!

  33. How fun, I like how you said they all started looking a like, I love when we have gone on driving trips and we come along them, it has happened a few times. Indiana has a bunch of them too.

  34. Love the charming covered bridges. Great shots.

  35. Love the interior shots! And the sassy models too!

  36. Loved the pictures! As always I enjoy the ones with the two of you in it. You do have some fun adventures. Hugs!

  37. That is beautiful country up there. I'm surprised there are so many of those bridges left!
