
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

What I'm Crushin' On!!

I have developed some serious crushes on a few recent purchases.

 Garden Picks, half price at Barlow's Flower Farm,

 these ended up being about 3 bucks each!
I sealed them good and they are already in the garden.

 Awesome Gardening Gloves from Target,
2 pair for 5 bucks,
tried them out and they. are. amazing.

 Purple paper clips, 1 buck...
needed...why yes...
at Staples in order to bring our total high enough to use our coupon.
So, free, for me!!

 These note cards...
are simply gorgeous, and come with a gift of sorts, a recipe.
Four for 10 bucks, 2 dollars each, they are so beautiful.

I purchased these online from a blogging friend,
Gillian Olson at PS Whimsy Behind The Brush
Her food card collection can be found here.
I use these cards for all occasions and need to order more.
The beauty and quality is unmatched.

 Just Peachy

Cherry Jubilee

And last but definitely not least...

this personal fan from Target.
Twelve bucks, plugs into a USB port,
and works like a charm.
What I love most about it, well, it's the breeze...
but coming in a close second is, no cord to trip over.

So there you have it, new crushes, making life pretty, cool and fun!


  1. Hello Debbie, I like the cute garden stakes. And the recipe cards are pretty, Gillian is a talented artist. I could use a pair of those gloves. Great deals and items, thanks for sharing. Have a happy day!

  2. Hi Debbie, I recently got a pair of those gardening gloves too, they are great and I found a mason jar in purple which I use as a vase. I am glad you like my cards and thanks for sharing them on your blog.
    I really must get one of those little fans, great idea.

  3. Good shopping, debiie. Also I have a small fan;)

  4. What wonderful things you've found! I'm going to Target this week and look for one of those fans. I absolutely must have air moving in my face most of the time and this is perfect!

  5. I have to admit those are really cool mason jars! Also, note to self, must wear my gardening gloves more than I do.

  6. Those are some really great finds, and I really like that fan, for I didn't know they had such a fan like that.

  7. Yes, those cards are beautiful....especially the ones that come in the mail :-)

  8. Good finds Debbie. I like the mason jars, the fan into your port. Not sure if mine are taken. I have so many cords.
    It is unbelievable. It is a wonder I don't electrocute myself. Mine are behind on a huge antique desk but not so great for accumulating dust bunnies. Nice blue garden gloves. I have tried gloves. I am so used to use the old fingers hands whatever. Silly as try getting the dirt from under the fingernails. Mason jars if ones has time. Can paint self but you got a bargain. Love the color. The fan. I have one as the rooms get hot and I too need the breeze . In computer room. Talk about cord. I know this lady personally tripped over her iron cord. Fell and cracked bottom of her back. Nine weeks recovery. Most cords I have one. It is so long the cord.

  9. Five great buys Debbie. Thanks for posting gives us all some good ideas. Targets is a good place to shop for that special something.

    1. i LOVE target, it really is one of my favorite places to shop for stuff for the home and garden!!!

  10. Love all your crushes! You always find the neatest things, Debbie. :)


  11. Have always coveted colored paper clips. Never give them away -like to the bank- if I can help it. I feel like a squirrel burying a nut...patpatpat...gotta cover clip...patpatpat...

  12. The garden picks are lovely and the card are so neat.
    The fan are in the right place :)

  13. those cards are perfect for a foodie like you. :)

    still think you need a potting bench... :)

  14. I can see why, what a lovely bunch of things to just make you happy! Each one is just something I would need too. :)

  15. Great new crushes, Debbie.
    That fan looks just perfect for the wonderfully hot humid weather we've been having.

  16. Thanks for the suggestions on this one. There are some ideas that I will look into for sure.I especially liked the personal fan idea. I do like your bargain hunting; awesome. Great photos as always~
    Blessings and hugs!

  17. Iove all your purchases!! Especially the garden picks!

  18. some neat stuff, I think I like the fan idea the most, haven't seen that before :)
