you'll find me there!!
We have been planting and weeding and weeding and planting,
I could not be happier!
The hot weather is troubling for me,
I have zero tolerance for it
I continue to try because my love for gardening is so intense.
So let's take a peek at what's been going on
in the yard!!
On May 25th , the hubs and I rolled up our sleeves,
and really started to get dirty.
Seriously dirty...
Tomato Plant, purchased at the Garden Center
Cucumbers, started from seeds...
started in the house from seeds.
Bale Straw Garden the plants have doubled in size.
Peppers, Tomatoes and Eggplant
I love my new garden flag...

Started indoors, Carrots are a first for me.
Pink and White Vinca's...
planted out front around the mailbox and in the front center garden.
The center garden's not looking so great because
I am still waiting for the Daffodils to fade completely.
The hubs planted the Vinca's around them.
Today, May 27th...
we the hubs got the Potatoes started,
I used store bought potatoes and let them sprout.
I LOVE this bag, seriously
it has a velcro opening in the front,
you open it during harvest and all your potatoes will fall out.
I'll keep you posted on that one!!
Two Eggplant
Beefsteak Tomatoes from the Garden Center
I am going to have a contest and see which Tomatoes do better.
Garden Center versus those started indoors with seeds.
I hope my seeds win, fingers crossed!
My Knockout Roses are so pretty,
they have lot's of blooms and tons of buds!!
I am trying to "pretty up" the new fence...
although, it's very pretty on it's own!!
The walkway to the front door...
we moved the wreath off the front door and to the side,
just in case anyone decides to come back.
The white Azaleas are so pretty right now,
they look a' lil like popcorn!
In about a week the Daylilies will be in full bloom.
That is when I love them most.
After that, I don't love them much at all...they sure are a lot of work.
Everything is planted and most of the beds are weeded, for now.
Have you guys been playing in the dirt??!!
We have been planting and weeding and weeding and planting,
I could not be happier!
The hot weather is troubling for me,
I have zero tolerance for it
I continue to try because my love for gardening is so intense.
So let's take a peek at what's been going on
in the yard!!
On May 25th , the hubs and I rolled up our sleeves,
and really started to get dirty.
Seriously dirty...
Tomato Plant, purchased at the Garden Center
Cucumbers, started from seeds...
started in the house from seeds.
Bale Straw Garden the plants have doubled in size.
Peppers, Tomatoes and Eggplant
I love my new garden flag...
Started indoors, Carrots are a first for me.
Pink and White Vinca's...
planted out front around the mailbox and in the front center garden.
The center garden's not looking so great because
I am still waiting for the Daffodils to fade completely.
The hubs planted the Vinca's around them.
Today, May 27th...
I used store bought potatoes and let them sprout.
I LOVE this bag, seriously
it has a velcro opening in the front,
you open it during harvest and all your potatoes will fall out.
I'll keep you posted on that one!!
Two Eggplant
Beefsteak Tomatoes from the Garden Center
I am going to have a contest and see which Tomatoes do better.
Garden Center versus those started indoors with seeds.
I hope my seeds win, fingers crossed!
My Knockout Roses are so pretty,
they have lot's of blooms and tons of buds!!
I am trying to "pretty up" the new fence...
although, it's very pretty on it's own!!
The walkway to the front door...
we moved the wreath off the front door and to the side,
just in case anyone decides to come back.
The white Azaleas are so pretty right now,
they look a' lil like popcorn!
In about a week the Daylilies will be in full bloom.
That is when I love them most.
After that, I don't love them much at all...they sure are a lot of work.
Everything is planted and most of the beds are weeded, for now.
Have you guys been playing in the dirt??!!
Wow, a gardener of the day.
And you have all my familiar plants.
Wow, a gardener of the day.
And you have all my familiar plants.
Keep trying because the outcome is fantastic.
Congrats. Hug
Living on the third floor in an apartment building (with a tiny balcony) doesn't allow much gardening but I do have some pots of flowers out there. Looks like you and hubs have green thumbs!!
Debbie, your veggie plants all look like they are doing great. I like bale of hay idea and your cute fence decoration. I want to add some Vinca's to our side garden, they are pretty. Your azaleas and roses are lovely. You do have the green thumb. Have a happy Sunday!
Dirt on the knees of my jeans. Dirt under my fingernails. Dirt on my sneakers. Yeah--I've been playing. I have never had very good luck with Vinca's--tried them one year when our Garden Center stopped selling Impatiens. Now, I get Impatiens from Wal-Mart and they grow and spread wonderfully and have no disease. Iris are beautiful and Lilies are coming on strong. Happy--Happy. Cold and dreary today in Michigan--47 degrees!!
Your garden is looking really lovely Debbie, at that hard work pays off :)
I have an azalea bosai. New for Mother's Day. I guess I am a gardener now.
hi judy, you are another frequent commenter, that i am unable to find a blog for. do you have one?? if you do, leave me a link....i would love to visit. many thanks for all the kind comments you have been leaving for me!!!
and 47 WoW, i like that, the heat troubles me. it was 87 degrees here yesterday!!!!!
we started using vincas when the impatiens problem started and i like them better. they don't grow as tall but i think they look healthier all season!!! i like the heat tolerance of vincas better!!! we get really warm here at the jersey shore!!!!!
sweet plantings! i knew about straw bale gardening and container gardening. the potato bag is a new one for me. good luck with that! :)
These look wonderful, Debbie!
All of my tomato plants were killed by a heavy frost we had last weekend. :-(
But I will not be beaten, and so planted more. We'll see....
Happy Sunday to you!
You make my back hurt (and my knees)...but...all very pretty
My goodness, you are going to have some fresh, delicious salads and vegetables this summer. All of your hard work will certainly pay off. Love the gorgeous azaleas ... they really do look like popcorn! Your gardens look wonderful, Debbie!
WOW! Debbie you have been very busy and it looks like it is paying off. Everything is coming along grand
You guys have been super busy, and everything looks wonderful!
Our azalea's have bloomed and now gone. I with they lasted
longer because of the colors; we don't have a white one though
and yours is beautiful. I saw a day lily here the other I didn't
know we had; it's a beautiful color with striping.
Wow, y'all did put the gloves on and get busy! I feel lazy with just my tomato and pepper plants! I think I'm going to have to re-pot all though, so I'll be getting dirt under my finger nails soon. Well, as soon as we see the sun again. :(
Just so beautiful. It's alot of hard work but the results are so worth it. I love to buy plants just hate planting. I also never had luck with vincas or petunias. I love portulacas in the full sun very hardy plant & inpatients in the shade. Thanks for posting your lovely gardens, I was looking forward to seeing. Love that garden flag.
I love your gardens! All of your plants are just lovely.
I love gardening and getting dirty. I am curious to see how the potatoes grow.
That will be interesting.
We are finally warm so I am looking forward to seeing how fast my eggplant grows. I have one bloom.
I can't wait until I can have eggplant again.
Have a good week Debbie
It all looks good. I really should try that bale idea for planting sometime. Let me know how it turns out.
Your plants look wonderful! Gardening is so much fun :)
You have been getting quite dirty! No gardening for me! I can't stand the summer heat! I do have a couple of shade gardens that basically, with a little watering, take care of themselves!
Thanks Karen, I love that flag also.....the cardinal couple, the hubs and I!! I'll have to google portulacas, I am not familiar with that plant!!
Very impressive! I don't have a totally brown thumb but my garden success has been very limited.
Your garden looks great and you will have a lot of goodies soon :) I have never heard of that potato bag, that is interesting and love the flower to decorate your fence. The flowers out front do look like popcorn, so pretty!
Your yard is lovely Debbie! I love your veggie markers, so cute! I've been getting my hands dirty everyday. There's always something to do outside!
Debbie there are 2 variety of the portulacas i buy the Purslane with the sorta rounded leaves Not the pointed shape leaves, i dont care for that type. When i first planted in my front yard years ago everyone in my neighborhood wanted to know what they were. Soon as Lowes gets them in they go quick.
You have a beautiful garden!
The flower on the fence fits like the hand in the glowe ... hehehe :)
It looks very pretty, and the new fence is cool too. Your tomato plants from seed inside are doing great! I'm doing more planting on our deck and around it too this year. I may just skip my garden, our weather has been so strange.
You don't get beautiful gardens and plants like that without a lot of hard work! I hope you get as much pleasure from reaping the harvest as others do from looking at it. Love the ornaments on the fence. It seems to me that it might be very 'you'.
The weather finally is nice enough to get dirty. It has been raining a lot here and we do need it. I do have tomatoes growing so that is good. I loved all that you are doing. I can tell you have a spectacular yard. I love the ideas for the deck garden; the pictures will help me a lot. Of course, I loved all the photos.
Blessings for this one!
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