
Saturday, April 18, 2015

Saturday Critters ~ 70 ~

The hubs and I have company...let me explain!!

 I bought this pretty wreath at Barlows,
for the front door for Spring!!

 This Robin found the wreath, we are going to call her Rosie.

After Rosie found the wreath...she built a nest.
A really big nest. Now she acts like she owns the place.

And now we are expecting...babies.
If you come to see me, come around back,
Rosie's not to thrilled with us using the front door!!

And good thing I love her, she's making a mess,
and that's the reason I needed a new wreath in the first place.
She nested here last year.

oohhhhh the trials of being a bird lover!!

Sharing my images from April 12, 2015  with 


  1. Well, Rosie has a most gorgeous home! No wonder she keeps returning!! Looking forward to pictures of the little ones peeking out!

  2. It's a gorgeous wreath - Won't it be fun to see the babies!!

  3. just so cute! gotta give her credit for consistency and stubbornness!

    1. i can just hear her after you hung the new wreath: oh, for me? you shouldn't have! :)

  4. So glad you do this for the birds:) Maybe you can catch a shot of the babies when they come.

  5. Rosie's a cutie, but no doubt a messy guest! One year we had a mama duck roost in our front rock garden. (Seems like a dumb place to have your babies, but I'm not a duck.) She would allow NO ONE -- human or otherwise --within 10 feet of her home. That was a fun spring LOL!

    1. I forgot to say how much I love your wreath!!!!

  6. How cute (I know messy, but still!), She knows you're going to let her nest. Beautiful wreath also. :)

  7. Oh my goodness, you got the seal of approval by mama bird, how lucky is that! I like the flying away action shot. You will have incredible fun with this.

  8. That's a strange flower bouquet but beautiful.


  9. Lucky you! I would gladly put up with the mess if only I had a Robin nesting that close to my door.

  10. Oh my Debbie, she is lucky that you love her! What a place to build a nest..Love the wreath and the pretty Robin! Thanks for linking up and sharing your post, have a happy weekend!

  11. Rosie couldn't of found a better place to raise her babies. She must know you have a kind heart. Beautiful spring wreath!

    1. thanks karen, i'm not sure it will even last a year, it's a mess already!!!!

  12. Oh my I do love this one. I think it is awesome that you have a bird nesting on your new wreath. The picture is spectacular and I love that there will be baby birds too. I know you will take more pictures of that event.
    Hugs for you dear friend. I love the photos!

  13. Well Rosie has good taste and a beautiful nest! Glad she has you!

    Happy Weekend,
    artmusedog and carol

  14. So so wonderful! She just plain loves nesting on your front porch, apparently! That is one of the prettiest wreaths I've seen. She must have thought so too. :-)

  15. You must be a great hostess all around.
    The RG removed the front from one of our birdhouses today to accommodate a robin that looked interested in the real estate. He had it off last year to clean it out and they took up residence then.

  16. Wow! That's so cool! Too bad there isnt a window behind her! It would be fund to have an even more up close look at Rosie's home, especially when the babies hatch!

  17. How sweet! I'm sure she appreciates you getting her a nice new wreath.

  18. Amazing!!! Nature at its finest. And possession rights!!

    I appreciate you sharing the link to this post for I'd Rather B Birdin'. Have a super week ahead!!

  19. Aww, how sweet! She has a beautiful home.

  20. I saw the nest and thought, "Are you kidding me?!" Be careful when the eggs are laid. Both parents will be dive bombing you, to keep you away. Great photos!

  21. You've got good tastes in wreaths and obviously that Robin thinks so too. That is about the coolest thing I've seen lately. Hope the babies hatch soon.

  22. You are such a sweet, trusted host! Your feathered friends are lucky to have you!

  23. She picked a pretty spot for her nest.

  24. How nice of you to buy Rosie a new wreath!

  25. What an fantastic real story you show us. Lucky You that have this on your frontdoor :)
