
Saturday, April 11, 2015

Saturday Critters ~ 69 ~

There are plenty of Mockingbirds in New Jersey,
but I rarely see them at my feeders.
Maybe once or twice before, but they are far from a 
regular visitor.

A few days ago, 
a pair arrived and have made themselves quite comfortable here.
They come every day now,
have discovered all my offering and they are really
enjoying the bird bath.
~ Many thanks to the hubs for scrubbing and filling it ~

They were skittish at first, but they have seemed to settle in and 
have started posing for pictures.

They clearly did not get the "branch memo"!!

But after speaking with them, they seemed to get the hang of it!!

They love the bird bath, mostly for drinking.

I hope they have made my house their new home!!
I am just a tad excited to be seeing them every day!!

Sharing my images from April 8, 2015  with 


  1. Take care of him. He flew a long distance just to make you happy. :)

  2. Such a pretty little bird- I hope the pair stay!

  3. They would visit our feeders occasionally over the winter and they're usually around during the summer. They have a great range of vocalizations, but can be rather bossy. :-) Beautiful shots!

  4. Mockingbirds are wonderful birds and I'm sure you will be enjoying their serenades if the continue to stick around.

  5. Beautiful captures! Mockingbirds are regulars around here. In fact, one sits at the top of a light pole and serenades us every morning! I love that!

  6. ahhhhhhhhh. You'll always hook me with critters. (and clouds)

  7. love these birds. we keep them all year here. :)

  8. Very pretty photos, Debbie. I've only seen one once in my life - in Southern Utah a few years ago.

  9. I didn't realize these were mockingbirds -- there were many of them at my mother's home. I always learn from you! Beautiful pictures!

  10. Your New Jersey Mockers are just a bit different than the ones out here. More white. We have so many of them I never thought about them not being in swarms every where else. The Blue Jay's and the Mockingbirds are at war every day over our back yard. This morning, two crows were sneaking around for Killdeer nests in the pasture. Sasha chased them and they flew to a tree, and a poor Mocker was in such a panic as I knew her nest was there. I walked down picking up a stick and a dirt clod to chase them away, but they flew off. I like crows but not in the spring.

  11. I really like the look of the Mockingbird. Lovely images.

  12. I am surprised you could take so many good pictures of one bird.


  13. Hello Debbie, wonderful series on your Mockingbirds. They do seem to like the birdbaths for drinking.. I never seen them at my feeders. I think they prefer berries.. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!

  14. Wonderful pictures ... We have a couple of their cousins here. Our Florida alarm clock as they sing us awake just before dawn. I love it!

  15. I have a large camellia bush in my backyard next to my bedroom window all summer long at night one will chirp the whole entire night. It doesn't bother me anymore I sort of got used to him. I'm sure he'll be back this summer or her. Great pictures Debbie you are good with a camera.

    1. many thanks karen, camellia's are beautiful!!! i love opening the windows and listening to the birds, it's music to my ears!! have a happy sunday!!!!!

  16. Oh, these Mockingbird pictures are spectacular. I sure hope they stay. I hope they make your home their palace because I think it is for them. I have been loving the sounds of birds around our yard. Now I just need to get a bird house and the treats for them and perhaps a bird bath too. In our Spokane home we had one and the birds did love it.
    Sending hugs!

  17. Oh wow! Super pictures,even though one of them looks to be giving you 'that look'.Enjoy them.

  18. i have never seen a mocking bird, or heard one for that matter. Thanks for sharing. I wish I could hear them mock.

  19. Beautiful closeups. I've never seen a mockingbird before. Have a wonderful weekend. xx

  20. You need to distribute flyers, then the birds will know the availability of a heaven-like place.

    They will come regularly.

  21. What a blessing for you, Debbie! I miss the Mockingbirds at our previous residence- there were 2 couples that each produced 2 broods last spring. Here at our new place, there are no regular visiting mockers. I hear one frequently singing from my next door neighbors place, but never see it. I am wishing for a couple of them to take up residence here.

  22. Beautiful photos of these lovely birds!

  23. How wonderful! I love mockingbirds! I was amazed to find one here recently singing away on top of a light pole.

  24. Absolutely beautiful! I too got a bird bath a few years ago so birds would come to my patio. They do love it but unfortunately I'm not able to take good pics of them. They are too skittish and flit off the moment they see a movement anywhere. If I put out nice offerings, they are shooed off by the black crows who come to eat. I am not a fan of black crows though I'm sure they are good for something.

  25. Beautiful shots! I'm sure they're very happy that they found the Purple home. :-)

  26. Yay for a pair of mockingbirds. Glad to see they "got the memo" now. They don't typically eat at feeders, but "ours" did begin when we added a higher, covered platform feeder with a good mixed variety of seed/nuts/fruit.

  27. They are sweet looking birds. It's good to know they now know how to "pose between the branches for you now." Fun to see them.

  28. "the branch memo!" HAHA! Wonder how I'd circulate one of those at the pond??! Such a treat to have some new friends....they know a good thing when they find it!

  29. Very enjoyable profiles of the mockingbird!!! They are such charming critters.

    Thanks for linking up at I'd Rather B Birdin' this week!!

  30. Lovely small bird. And I like your fountain for the bird.
